View Full Version : Cant stop inward thoughts

16-02-05, 18:59
Hi everyone,

Sorry, but here I go again with the pscho stuff.
Today Im having a bad day. I cant stop the very intense inward thoughts. I feel like Im sinking deeper and deeper inside myself and panicking in case I cant come out again.
I keep getting flashes of panic while thinking inwardly which make everything seem strange.
I feel like Im going to drift away into a psychotic state or something.

I really hate this and have been trying to find something to take my mind off it all day. Nothing works. I went into the garden to do some weeding, tried my jigsaw, ironing, reading. I forget for a few seconds then it comes back again and I start thinking weird racing thoughts.

I think about everything I say, do, the way I act, like Im questioning my sanity over and over again.

I think it must be part of the DP/DR.

Can anyone reassure me please.

Jude x

16-02-05, 19:28
hi Jude,

It is normal to consistently analyse what we do, say and think. You said that you managed to distract yourself for a few seconds and that then the thoughts just came back. I can imagine this must be very annoying. However, the fact that you DID do it for a few seconds proves that it CAN be done. I used to be the same and slowly, those seconds turned into minutes and then hours. We have to train our brain to slowly be able to think about something else and push the anxiety to the back of our minds. It takes time but you will get there in the end!!

Sarah :D

16-02-05, 21:36
It takes a long long time to get over all these horrid feelings and even when I thought I was better I still felt "out of it".

It comes with time but you can't force it I find or it won't happen.

The more we think the worse we get I am afraid.

It comes naturally when we calm down and stop the anxiety feelings. I could never fix it as such - I had to wait for it to go and calm down.

You will get there in time and I know it is horrid now but it does go ok?


16-02-05, 22:37
I have been driving myself mad with this, wondering if its normal or something sinister about to happen.
Why are we always so afraid of these feelings. I wish I could turn off fear as quickly as I can turn it on.

Jude x

18-02-05, 00:08
Hi Jude

How you are feeling when anxious is really common and you are not alone.

I feel like you do that i am suddenly not going to know what is happening, but reassurance from my CBT has shown me that they are thoughts and not actions.

If we were really going to lose it we wouldnt know and be able to talk about it how we do.

I know how hard it is mate, and how it cuts you up, does me, but its temporary and anxiety and wont lead to more than that.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx

21-02-05, 13:49
Yup, had this - still get this! It's horrible when you're fine and then this feeling of dread/spaced-out-ness creeps up on you and it is SO hard to shake, I know. But it will go, and it IS just a symptom of anxiety. Nothing bad is going to happen. Everything will be fine.

I sometimes use a phrase that I repeat to myself constantly when I feel like this. The other thing I did recently, which amuses me looking back, was muttering "I'm gonna beat you, you *******! You're not gonna bring me down" and it was a very fierce thought that I dropped into my head. It certainly made me *feel* stronger, and that made me feel a bit better. Sorry I can't be more help!