View Full Version : In the middle of a health crisis

28-01-23, 15:42
Hi everyone,

Like the title suggests, I’m in an actual health crisis currently and I have really bad health anxiety on top of it. What can I say to myself during this stressful time? The very thing I was afraid of happening is happening. I don’t know what the outcome is going to be, I have to have surgery which is something i’ve been fearful of all my life. Right now I’m living in a perpetual nightmare and it’s not enjoyable. I’m trying to lean into the positives- what the doctors have told me but honestly I’m struggling right now. I’m so emotional. I’ve been sick for awhile and everything is suddenly making so much sense. I guess I just need to take it one day at a time, perhaps going through this ordeal will teach me how to be mindful in the end. I don’t know. I’m just so tired of fighting the fear that comes along with health issues. Anyone can relate? Thanks for reading.

28-01-23, 18:09
I had to have a surgery before and I have to admit I wasn’t handling it as well as I would have liked. The anxiety was very high. Though at that point I was also like, “I want to get it over with as soon as possible!” It was very emotionally taxing, as I’m sure you know.

Trust your doctors. Take it one thing at a time. Now that they know what’s wrong and are taking the steps to treat it, you’re going to feel better. It’ll be alright. Hang in there.

29-01-23, 12:43
Thank you for your words. Yes it’s definitely emotionally taxing as well as being physically too. Worrying all the time makes me so sick. I thought if anyone would know how I’m feeling it would be people of this forum, so I appreciate you taking the time to respond. It helps just knowing someone is out there listening.

29-01-23, 14:24
I had to have surgery for the first time almost a year ago. I’ve always been terrified of being put to sleep and so I was super nervous about it. I will say that it ended up being one of the easiest, quickest things I’ve ever done. They gave me something to relax me a bit as soon as I got there (which also made me nervous because I don’t take drugs of any kind) but it ended up being just fine. I was in and out of the hospital in about 5 hours total. Recovery was a breeze. I definitely worked it up in my head to be way worse than it actually was. Mine was a gallbladder removal surgery, not sure what kind you’re having but doctors are well trained, so just be open and honest with them about your nerves and anxiety. They are there to help!

29-01-23, 17:48
I often hear this from people who have gone through surgery so I will try my hardest to focus on that. I have a few pre-existing conditions that make surgery a little more scary than the average person. I do hope when it comes time for the procedure it won’t be very traumatizing because that only reinforces why I worry in the first place. I always try to tell the doctor everything even when it comes to my anxiety as it helps me feel more in control. Thank you for reading and offering your thoughts, it’s reassuring in the best possible way.

29-01-23, 18:50
If it helps at all, I was still considered morbidly obese at the time of my gallbladder removal. I had lost 100 lbs, but was still almost 100 lbs overweight. I knew that surgery on obese people could have a whole host of complications so that’s part of where my fear was stemming from. It all went “textbook perfectly” according to my surgeon, I had no issues under anesthesia and no issues waking up. And no aftereffects from the surgery either. It’s so hard to tell yourself when you’re in the throes of anticipatory anxiety but I really do think you’ll do just fine. Even with pre-existing conditions, your surgeons will be well trained and prepared for any scenario.

30-01-23, 13:30
Thank you for sharing your experience. I’m glad it all went well for you. It helps knowing other people go through these thoughts and feelings. I understand I need to put trust in my doctors for the sake of my well-being. Anticipatory anxiety is horrible because I’m such a good visualizer so it can be really tough just getting through the day. But I’m trying to keep myself distracted, just taking things day to day, not looking ahead to all the things I have to get through. This has been helpful for lessening the adrenaline and anxiety.