View Full Version : Nose hair waxing

29-01-23, 20:35
This is as crazy as the title suggests....
I'm having a current episode after I just had my nose hairs waxed after a hair cut (I'd never even heard of this before and said yes).

Then I got home and curiously asked Dr Google what the point of nose hair even is... To which, (s)he returns an article about how I've now removed a layer of defence, as the hairs trap bacteria and viruses. But it went a step further and explained (from a Dr writing for The Sun) how this can make my asthma worse by not filtering air properly and there's even a chance I could now develop a brain abscess as the lining of the nose is close to the brain and now has limited protection.

As a germophobe who always thinks the worst... That was nightmarish to read and I now don't want to go outside in case I risk catching a bug that turns into a brain abscess.

Any thoughts? 🥺

29-01-23, 21:08
This is as crazy as the title suggests....

Uhhh yeah... pretty much. But if it helps to put your thoughts into writing then go for it. The first sentence affirms what I'm saying and affirms you know as well ;)


29-01-23, 21:28
Blimey you must have found some weird sites to report that info.

I have never heard of that in my life so cannot see an issue at all with it.

29-01-23, 21:47
The videos on Youtube are priceless :roflmao: I know how painful it is... just saying :whistles:



29-01-23, 22:38
Oh, it's that "triangle of death" thing again, isn't it?

30-01-23, 00:13
Oh, it's that "triangle of death" thing again, isn't it?

Yes! That's what I read. Saying you get infections and they go straight to your brain... Google really is ruthless.

30-01-23, 08:59
Forget the triangle issue. The media talk about spots but the scientific articles behind it only discuss boils. That's a very different subject. And it's very rare even then. If it were a thing teenagers would be dropping like flies.

Logical thought = if this is a risk why do they sell men nose trimmers in every supermarket and all over the place online? Why hasn't it ever become an issue despite many millions of men trimming their nasal hairs?

Yes, hair does help trap bacteria. That's a reason we have hair in various places but this goes back to the days we evolved as Hunter gatherers in our loincloths. How relevant is it today?

I've never heard that as advice to asthma sufferers. It may be an extra protection but it has never come up in my life having asthma for nearly 40 years.

30-01-23, 18:34
My thoughts are that nose hair waxing looks insanely painful - and my fb feed has been full of pictures and videos of it and I have no idea why ? It seems a very pointless thing indeed and seems men are now being subjected to the 'battle of the hair removal' , as women have forever. You could get ingrown hairs up your nose, and painful spots, it sounds awful. As for the other hideous effects leading to death, nope.....there are people with alopecia and hair loss from chemo, or people who use nose hair trimmers all the time, and they aren't dropping from the bizarrely awful list of things that you have found out about.

30-01-23, 18:40
My thoughts are that nose hair waxing looks insanely painful - and my fb feed has been full of pictures and videos of it and I have no idea why ? It seems a very pointless thing indeed and seems men are now being subjected to the 'battle of the hair removal' , as women have forever. You could get ingrown hairs up your nose, and painful spots, it sounds awful. As for the other hideous effects leading to death, nope.....there are people with alopecia and hair loss from chemo, or people who use nose hair trimmers all the time, and they aren't dropping from the bizarrely awful list of things that you have found out about.

I think the supposed infection route is via a now-open pore where previously the root of the nasal hair was.

I've been doing it with a pair of pliers for years and I am still here.

30-01-23, 21:18
.....but hairs drop out and are replaced all the time, and infections don't enter via the empty hair shaft ?

30-01-23, 22:29
How to do it with pliers, the Richie and Eddie way:


31-01-23, 01:41
Joking and videos aside, it really is a non issue. I lost my hair at an early age and I've found that as I've grown older I'm growing more and more nose and ear hair. Fun stuff ~lol~ If I don't keep up and trim, I'll have a beard growing out of my ears and nose!


31-01-23, 07:09
How to do it with pliers, the Richie and Eddie way:


:roflmao: I loved Bottom.

31-01-23, 07:19
.....but hairs drop out and are replaced all the time, and infections don't enter via the empty hair shaft ?

A boil can form from a bacterial infection in a follicle. Is it because unnatural removal causes a trauma site first?

If anyone reads the articles behind the danger triangle issue you will see how it's so rare. There are documented cases going way back in medical circles. That alone tells us, when daily millions of us already remove hair up there, that it can't be a risk anyone should care about. It's up there with the insomnia one which I'll not name and less likely than the media's yearly amoeba frenzy.

This type of issue is one of those that was more likely a risk before the days of antibiotics.

But yeah nasal waxing sounds painful! I've never plucked either as that always sounded nasty. I much prefer having them shaved otherwise it's uncomfortable and I sneeze more. But shaven means more runny noses.

I don't know how women do it and now men with the BS&C. :ohmy::blush: But I suppose once you've pushed a baby out not much bothers women anymore :biggrin:

I am intrigued by what size pliers PM is using :biggrin:

31-01-23, 08:08
Any thoughts?

Waxing the nostrils? (My eyes are literally streaming here!)

I've discovered that nose hair does indeed go a bit feral during middle-age (and beyond). :huh:

Here's what I do...

If I can feel a nose hair tickling my top lip, I get the scissors out.

If I look in the mirror and see Itsy Bitsy spider poking a leg (or several) out of my nostril, I get the scissors out.

Yes, we have nose hair for a reason, but there's no need to allow things to get out of hand, eh? A quick tidy up to keep the buggers contained within the nostrils is all that's required...

Wax though? NO NO NO NO NO! (NO) :scared15:

31-01-23, 08:57
Waxing the nostrils? (My eyes are literally streaming here!)

I've discovered that nose hair does indeed go a bit feral during middle-age (and beyond). :huh:

Here's what I do...

If I can feel a nose hair tickling my top lip, I get the scissors out.

If I look in the mirror and see Itsy Bitsy spider poking a leg (or several) out of my nostril, I get the scissors out.

Yes, we have nose hair for a reason, but there's no need to allow things to get out of hand, eh? A quick tidy up to keep the buggers contained within the nostrils is all that's required...

Wax though? NO NO NO NO NO! (NO) :scared15:

I do the same with bum hole hair. They'll never let me back in that mirror shop again...:whistles::winks:

31-01-23, 16:56
All fascinating stuff ! :roflmao:What has life become that discussing nose hair is a 'thing' of interest ?

31-01-23, 17:23
I am intrigued by what size pliers PM is using :biggrin:

