View Full Version : Painful Lymph Node in Groin?

30-01-23, 23:58
Hey all,

About a month ago, I was standing in my kitchen when I felt some pain in my left groin, so I felt around the area and felt my inguinal lymph node swollen and painful. I didn't really worry about it too much, as I don't often fixate on lymph nodes like some do. It went away sometime that week, and felt fine until a couple days ago, it is swollen and painful again, and the pain sort of radiates to my hip. I was wondering if anyone has had something like this? I'm debating whether or not to see a doctor.


31-01-23, 20:03
I believe if it comes and goes, and it’s painful that’s a sign of a normal node that is just reacting to an infection somewhere. What characteristics does it have? Is it soft/hard? Size? Etc.

01-02-23, 05:45
It's firm but I think the normal amount. It's pretty big, but I've heard that inguinal lymph nodes are larger than others. Also, today it's back to normal. So it's probably fine. I wish our bodies could just be consistent for once haha. I also had a physical at the beginning of this month, where I neglected to tell my gp about it, but I was concerned about a testicle so he pressed on either side of groin, and didn't say anything. So again, probably fine. Thanks for the reply, this forum has been really helpful lately.