View Full Version : My friend said I don't look to good. Now freaking out.

02-02-23, 16:20
My friend popped around for a couple of minutes while he was passing through.

I answered the door and he said "Hey mate how you doing? You don't look to good".

So now he's left I'm checking myself in the mirror. Having a bad panic attack thinking something is wrong with me. Is it my heart? Does my face look pale?

It sucks that I've got a broken toe because I can't do much at all. Can't get out to go hiking which is really bugging me. I haven't seen the sun in a while so maybe I do look pale?

I hate it when people say "You don't look to good".


02-02-23, 17:09
I wouldn't overthink it. If I'm not doing well mentally, I can see that I don't look great. It doesn't mean anything deeper than that. It's good you've got a friend showing concern. How is your self-care at the moment? Mine isn't great when my mind is messing with me, and you can see it in my face.

02-02-23, 18:13
It was probably a passing comment that meant absolutely nothing. Maybe you looked stressed, tired, or pale for normal reasons, and to your friend, that just translated as not looking so good. He was just showing he cared about your wellbeing :)

I've had a friend outright say "You look like death" one time because she'd called round just as I'd woken from a nap. Apparently my post nap face makes me look like I'm not long for this world!

02-02-23, 19:13
I had just woken an hour earlier, and I am feeling more tired because I've started taking my meds again. It's possible ServerError and yourself are right.

@ServerError you're a Linux sysadmin? Your username gives me a clue that you might be.

02-02-23, 20:18
I've had this too - a throwaway comment like that is guaranteed to send me into a spiral too and I've gone rushing to the mirror too. A few years ago I got into a serious mess believing I had pancreatic cancer and lost weight as a result - and when people said "you've lost weight" it made me even more convinced I had it.

It's a sod, isn't it?

12-02-23, 15:50
I've had this too - a throwaway comment like that is guaranteed to send me into a spiral too and I've gone rushing to the mirror too. A few years ago I got into a serious mess believing I had pancreatic cancer and lost weight as a result - and when people said "you've lost weight" it made me even more convinced I had it.

It's a sod, isn't it?

That is the kind of spiral I can end up down PM. The anxiety ends up feeding itself. I think right now my anxiety is having a wobbler and I'm just going through one of those weeks/months.