View Full Version : Tips for feeling less anxious when seeing Dr

04-02-23, 17:28
Hi all,

I have been very anxious the last couple of months about a gynaecological issue - had a couple of episodes of very light spotting in December, went to GP who said she thinks I have what is known as a cervical ectropion but said she would routinely refer me for a colposcopy anyway to be extra sure. I am due my appt at the end of the month but my anxiety is becoming too much to deal with alongside uni and I have exams coming up etc for my final year.

So I have booked an appt with a private gynaecologist on Monday but I am absolutely petrified. I feel like I am going to be so nervous going into the appointment and I don't know how I will stay calm, especially as I know he is going to want to examine me - I know I will just be so tense. Has anyone got any tips for learning to relax whilst talking to a doctor/being in a hospital environment? These are big stress triggers for me but I know it is better I go now and 1.) put my mind at rest or worst case 2.) find out asap that there is something wrong that needs treating.

Just feel that this is taking over my life atm... any practical tips would be really welcome. Thank you x