View Full Version : Exhausting

05-02-23, 10:09
So - I'd been having worries about my nails being pale/beau's lines, as well as kidney pain/fullness below left ribs. Went to the GP and explained that I just didn't know how much was real and how much was health anxiety. She was lovely, checked me over and said she didn't think there was anything wrong (the kidney pain was basically not there during the appointment).

As soon as I left the pain came back and has been there ever since, and now I'm convinced my nails are changing again, this time curving in at the sides.

I just have no idea what to do - nail changes can be a sign of kidney failure, but pain isn't usually. GP didn't do any bloods because she didn't think anything I was saying justified it. Can our bodies literally produce symptoms on command, even nail changes, due to stress? I do think my anxiety is stopping me absorbing food properly as I've lost some weight lately (not excessively on the scale, but it shows a lot in my clothes sizes) - but this could also be due to something slowly killing me.

It's just exhausting to have reassurance on some symptoms and then suddenly be hit with new ones. Or I'm developing a weird nail related body dysmorphia.

Or maybe I've got a kidney stone that will make itself known more obviously fairly shortly.

04-03-23, 20:39
Understandably, you're worried about your health, but it's also important not to let that worry consume you. As for the nail and kidney pain, your anxiety may be causing physical symptoms. Our bodies can react to stress in strange ways. However, if you are still worried, it may be worth getting a second opinion or asking your therapist for blood tests. I once bought a nice suit secondhand, and my nails started hurting afterward. It turned out that I got nail fungus, and now I only buy clothes at the happygentleman US store (http://happygentleman.com/en-us/) in the UK. I'd purchase quality clothes rather than be treated for toenail fungus again.