View Full Version : Blurred vision when pressing on eyes - freaking out

07-02-23, 15:33
I just pressed my eyes for 30 seconds or so and when I stopped my vision was really noticeably blurry for a couple of minutes. This, coupled with the odd neck pain I've been having recently, has got me jumping to a brain tumour. I don't think I've really pressed on my eyes before, does anyone know if this is normal?

07-02-23, 16:40
Hi yes if you press on your eyes that will happen, don’t press on them you might give yourself a headache! X

07-02-23, 19:16
Thank you! Oh really is it normal then? I didn’t expect it to be so blurred and to last so long

08-02-23, 11:39
Errr yeah, pressing on your eyeballs and temporarily altering their shape and the shape of the lens, and pushing/pulling the delicate muscles, will cause this. It'll go back to normal. This is partly why people with anxiety have vision 'oddities', the extended tension of the muscles in the faces and around the eyes can make vision a bit ropey - but it will resolve. Have you never laid on an eyeball for a few hours in the night and woken up with one eye out of focus ? I have very ocassionally and its taken hours to revert back sometimes !

08-02-23, 14:24
Yep, any pressure on your eyeballs tends to make them blurry. If I even squeeze my eyes closed for too long they get blurry for ages afterwards.

08-02-23, 16:08
Nothing to worry about at all...

I sometimes have to use a heated eye mask thingy to clear my blocked tear ducts. The mask gently presses on my eyelids and my eyes are blurry for about 5 minutes afterwards..

08-02-23, 17:08
What test ever, for a brain tumour, would say 'press on your eyeballs for a while and see if your vision goes blurry'........ it would be more odd if they didn't go blurry !