View Full Version : Skin Cancer Scare - Doctor Worried Me

07-02-23, 16:33
Hi everyone. I have terrible health anxiety however managed to somewhat diminish it until Christmas.

I found a lump on my back, seemingly under the skin. I worry is skin cancer. Its firm/rubbery and doesn't move. It isn't painful, doesn't bleed, and hasn't grown in months, just stayed the same (if not gone smaller).

I went to the doctors today, and he said that its super unusual. he said it is red/brownish and seems to have pigmentation, therefore referred me to the dermatologist to double check. However said that because it hasn't grown/gotten worse in months it doesn't worry him. I also am only 23, don't have a family history of skin cancer and have 0 other symptoms.

He could tell I was worried and said that if he was to give me a % of it being cancer, it would be very low, and told me not to panic.

However the fact he referred me to the dermatologist petrifies me. Why if he isn't worried?! What if its cancer, its literally my worst fear.

Please if anyone could chat with me about this it would mean the absolute world. Thanks guys! ❤️

07-02-23, 16:43
Don't panic, your doctor is just covering his backside. He's not the expert, so he's sending you to someone who is.

I'm terrified of cancer myself, but the vast, vast majority of skin cancers are no big deal - I had one removed age 38, and that was still very much at the younger end of things to give you an idea of how unlikely it is that anything's wrong.

07-02-23, 17:03
Thanks sooo much for taking the time to reply! I truly appreciate it. If it was skin cancer surely it would have grown right? The doctor just said it 'is unusual' which frightened me. And kept asking me questions about cancer. And said it was "Pigmented", as if that is a really bad thing.

I just worry he was lying to me for my anxiety to calm down, when saying he's doubtful its anything bad.

You know?

07-02-23, 17:17
Doctors really don’t lie to their patients. Once they start that, they open themselves up to all sorts of complaints.

Blue is right, he was covering his ass, that’s something else they do. They know what they are looking at and are pretty positive but to make sure they send people to experts for confirmation. I can’t remember going to a doctor and getting a 100% sure answer. They are always vague. If he was aware of your nerves have you thought he referred you to an expert to ease your anxiety not for anything sinister.

07-02-23, 19:22
I get that, Thankyou. Would skin cancer have grown though?

I just have a CRAZY fear of life threatening illness. and I dunno how im going to stop worrying for the next few weeks until my appointment.

Like even the word "cancer" gives me a light head you know. The doc could tell I was worried swell, just hoping he wasn't falsely reassuring, because he did say that it "didn't look too concerning"

07-02-23, 19:30
I had a basal cell carcinoma on my face for half a decade, and it didn't do any major harm other than looking ugly.

07-02-23, 21:51
Your a braver person than me!! Wow.

How long did it take to cure. Was it just surgery?

07-02-23, 22:19
I had a dark "unusual" spot on my own neck - it's a skin tag. It doesn't look like a "traditional" skin tag, but that's what it is. The dermatologist said they could remove it, but I didn't have them when they looked at it, though I might have it removed in the future as it can be kind of annoying if I catch it on a necklace or something.

Most unusual skin stuff is harmless, and most can just be removed via an outpatient procedure.

08-02-23, 08:32
Your a braver person than me!! Wow.

How long did it take to cure. Was it just surgery?

Just surgery, 45 minutes under local anaesthesia. Much more interesting than scary.

08-02-23, 09:15
Wow!! Thats crazy, only 45 minutes!!

So crazy!!

My only worry is if it isn't cancer (which the doc said its unlikely to be in his opinion), what else could a firm red/brown "pigmented" bump on my back be??

I can't think of any alternatives.

08-02-23, 09:22
You're not a dermatologist, though - they'll be familiar with far more conditions than you. It could be any number of completely benign things.

08-02-23, 22:12
Yeah I understand that. I’m just really scared. Hardly slept since my appointment. So fist things first I just wanna thank everyone who replied. You have helped more than you know.

I just can’t think of having anything worse than an incurable illness :(