View Full Version : Constant Headache

15-02-23, 10:55
Two & a half weeks ago I developed a dull headache on the right side of my head. For two weeks it moved around various points on my head & about week ago seemed to be more concentrated around/behind my eyes & nose. However, the dull aches were constant, every day.

I spoke to a GP last Thursday who asked me to attend for an examination, which I did on Friday, by which time the pain wasn't too bad & I'd started to wonder if it was muscular (I do suffer from intermittent upper back & neck pain once in a while). The GP performed some neuro tests, which were all fine & just advised to go back if it got worse or I got any other issues such as blurred vision

On Saturday morning I awoke with a sharp, migraine-like pain down the back right of my head, which lasted all day before going.

On Sunday the dull aches were present but not too bad. Monday until about 4pm wasn't any different but I then got a much worse pain across my forehead, which was there all evening & I could feel it when I awoke in the night.

The same thing has happened each day since, around the same time, with the headache not feeling too bad until then when it becomes rather uncomfortable. I've also woken up a couple of hours before I need to the last couple of mornings & had trouble getting back to sleep although I'm not sure if that's due to the pain or worrying about it.

Throughout, I've taken over the counter painkillers but they don't seem to do much, if anything.

I do suffer from one or 2 migraines a year but they're nothing like this & always pass in about 30 minutes. I don't often get headaches & when I have, they're very short-lived too.

I'm now very concerned that this has been going on for a while now & has been getting worse over the last couple of days, particularly so later in the day.

I have a telephone appointment with a GP later today to discuss further but I'm now very concerned that this has been going on for a while now & has been getting worse over the last couple of days, particularly so later in the day, so might be something sinister, much more than just a headache.

Has anyone experienced anything similar or can provide any advice please?

15-02-23, 19:42
I can’t provide advice really, but it sounds like you’re doing all the right things. You could also try an eye test

16-02-23, 09:35
Thanks for your post Scass.

As an update, I spoke to the GP yesterday who's referred me for an urgent MRI due to the time the headaches have been going on & has prescribed me Amitriptyline, which she said is good for headaches.