View Full Version : Bone spur, please read

17-02-23, 20:32
I had an x ray of my upper left arm, and the doctor sent me a message that it was NORMAL. I had it because of some small tenderness in that arm, in one spot.

Since the radiologist report is also on the Patient Portal, I opened it, and it said that all is normal, and also "Small subacromial spur on the shoulder". This was obviously incidental finding since neither doctor thinks the spur has anything to do with that localized pain.

Guys, please share with me: Are spurs common in aging individuals and are always benign ? According to all respectful medical sites, they are basically new little bone, and if cause no issue, they are never touched. Strangely enough, I found literally ONE ( a doctor's) website where he claims they rarely can be cause by something sinister. Seriously? I want to scream now that I kept on reading!

I know this is a classical reassurance asking, but it will help me.

Thank you all,


19-02-23, 04:24
I don’t know a whole lot about bone spurs in humans, but I believe generally they can be tied with arthritis so it would make sense that they would start to appear more as you get older. If your doctors aren’t worried I wouldn’t worry either.

My mom incidentally mentioned to me she had several bone spurs when I told her my dog had some (lol) and some of hers cause pain and others were just noted when she had X-rays for other things but they don’t cause her pain at all. Like your doctors, hers are unconcerned.