View Full Version : salivary gland pain?

18-02-23, 12:13
So sometimes I get pain in my Submandibular gland on and off and it goes away a bit when i massage it, it’s often when i wake up from sleep so originally i thought maybe it’s when i grind my teeth in sleep - it hurts when i touch it or put any sort of food in my mouth that my salivary glands will react to. I’ve massaged it now the pain had gone but it comes back after a while. the gland doesn’t feel swollen i just have pain.

Basically I’m paranoid about an infected wisdom tooth and it might lead to sepsis bc i have a wisdom tooth growing in on that side. i am panicking someone pls reassure me. my actual wisdom tooth doesn’t hurt just the gland. also my dentist believes I have TMJ and grind my teeth in my sleep, if that helps. someone reassure me pls.

or could it be cancer? lymphoma or leukemia? but i heard in lymphoma lymph nodes don’t cause pain. but maybe its salivary gland cancer? my mind is all over the place rn i really need some reassurance

22-02-23, 12:53
Huh? how do you know it's your submandibular gland? that's so specific and random. Grinding your teeth is a valid explanation. Also don't obsess over every little pain in your body. Why would you expect your body to not have little pains now and again? It's an incredibly complex system, of course there are going to be little things that happen like this. It's not going to function perfectly all the time. Don't jump right from "body not functioning with absolute precision and perfection" to "having a terminal illness." That just doesn't even make sense.

22-02-23, 23:03
but i heard in lymphoma lymph nodes don’t cause pain.

How exactly does one 'hear' that?

You mean you Googled?

Stop researching stuff that you don't have, especially when you've already mentioned the actual cause.