View Full Version : Terrified I have Peripheral arterial disease???

18-02-23, 22:16

A bit of context, I'm 38/F, I don't exercise much in general. I have slightly high HDL cholesterol (apparently good HDL??), but am supposedly not diabetic from the recent blood tests I've had a few months back. I don't have high blood pressure. I'm always on the borderline of being anemic. I'm trying to take iron supplements (Feroglobin) but struggle with taking the iron they generally prescribe at the GP because it makes me feel terrible and I regularly suffer from constipation which could worsen that more.

I'm trying not to jump to conclusions and maybe it's a bit too soon to say but I'm absolutely losing my mind with worry about whether I might have PAD. A year and a half ago I think it was I was on Ciprofloxacin, and I had to stop it at the time because I was having some leg pain that I wasn't sure if it was a side effect or not (since neuropathy I believe can be a side effect). I put it down to that because I didn't think much more about it after I had stopped it and I stopped paying so much attention to the tingling. The aching pain seemed to have calmed down slightly. About a year ago I noticed I was having some tingling again in my feet and hands and had mentioned it to my doctor who just shrugged it off and said it could be a vitamin deficiency. I just figured that they probably know better than me (even though they didn't examine me and just spoke over the phone) so I held on to the hope that could be more likely. The tingling has been on and off in my feet and hands over the past year I guess, not to a degree it bothered me too much. Just enough to notice? I did sometimes get a pain/burning sensation in my foot that concerned me but because it went away usually I tried not to worry too much about it. For the past year I've also had some pain in my thigh though, especially when sitting that sometimes would ache for lengthier periods.

The last month or so I've noticed a weird feeling though in my leg. It wasn't really painful, just felt like a weird sensation.. have you ever pulled a muscle badly in your leg or calf (like when it REALLY hurts) and it's that feeling you get after it stops hurting.. like it's not entirely normal yet but it still feels like you've done something to it? It's kind of like that. Kind of a heavier feeling that made me notice my right leg more than my left. I tried not to overthink it and I've had other health problems I had to deal with properly first that kind of made things difficult to see the doctor. But the last week or so I've noticed my leg start to ache more. I also noticed my foot having a burning pain from time to time. I've even ended up with it hurting when I'm lying in bed, especially when I've lied on my right side or whatever. My thigh gets achey too. This morning I got a bit anxious and couldn't sleep so I ended up on google and came across PAD again.. which led me back to questioning whether it could be likely since the symptoms sound so similar. I started noticing things like my circulation is bad generally (I tend to get cold hands and feet easily....) and I noticed when I'm cold in certain places on my legs.

Unfortunately I'm going on holiday across the world in a month and I've been holding off getting travel insurance until I'm sure for fear of not reporting this condition that may or may not be, and also am paranoid about the concern that going on a plane with something like that could be deadly??? I don't know how likely that is.

Does anyone have experience of this? I considered peripheral neuropathy but my hands and feet don't change color or anything so idk. I'm gonna try and go to the doctor AGAIN next week but I'm absolutely losing interest in watching and doing stuff I normally enjoy because my mind just ends up consumed with the fear I'm gonna get a heart attack or something due to this. As it happens usually PAD hurting at rest means it's usually quite advanced so you can imagine how scared I am!!!! :weep:

Thanks to anyone who reads this lengthy post anyway lol. I've been through so many worries recently that I know stress can honestly make you question things but I've been kind of worried about this kind of thing for a while now and am so worried I've left it to worsen.....

19-02-23, 17:33
Hi sorry your worrying about this at the moment. I had similar worries a few years ago. I spoke to a dr who soon made me realise the pain I was feeling was due to stress and worrying that I had PAD. I think I did post about it on here a couple of times. I started eating a bit better, lots of spinach and broccoli less processed stuff and made sure I was going for a walk each day and trying to relax and the pain soon went away. I hope things improve for you soon and enjoy your holiday

20-02-23, 13:20
Thanks for the reply! I guess the pain could be explained by this kind of thing but it's the burning/tingling and the cold patches/cold feet etc that worry me. I also notice that my toes and fingernails get kind of a blue hue when I wake up which I know can be explained by reynauds (the doctor shrugged it off before saying it's possible) but because of the coldness and the fact it does seem like my circulation is bad in general I do worry. Googling just takes me down too many rabbit holes lol and I really don't wanna find something else to diagnose myself with :/

I couldn't get an appointment sadly (I guess it being Monday everyone is trying) so its yet another day I'll probably have to wait lol...