View Full Version : Friend's child got cancer - now I worry about my child

20-02-23, 22:00
I've had health anxiety all of my adult life, but when my little girl was born it seemed to magically vanish. I'm wondering whether it was a hormonal change - therapy had helped me a lot before but birth just made it go away. In the 4 years since, I've been in a really good place with my mental health, even during the pandemic. I've never worried excessively about my daughter's health. I pretty much thought I was over it. If I have a slight relapse I might have a panic for a day, and I go back to normal the next day. I felt really in control of it.

Last summer, my friend's child who is the same age as my daughter was diagnosed with cancer. He has been having chemo and other gruelling treatments ever since. I'm devastated for the family and I wish for nothing more than for this sweet little boy to get better. He has an Instagram page for his journey which I follow. He is one of the few accounts I follow though, because I don't use Instagram much, which means the algorithm thinks I'm really interested in sick children. I try to ignore it but every time I see my landing page which is just a wall of horrible pictures I sometimes find myself clicking through to one and reading back through the entire cancer story of the child. It's a horrific time sink and I've had a lot of exposure to children's cancer stories as a result which I'd rather not have had.

Recently, this boy's parents set up a fundraising page for him, which included his story of how he was diagnosed. I hadn't heard the story before. It is now stuck in my head and almost memorised. He started with just a few different infections in a row, not really getting over one before the next one, and eventually ended up in A&E with stomach pain and pain in his sides. At the same time, over the last month my daughter has had a new illness with a fever every week. This is pretty unusual for her, she often catches bugs from nursery but fevers are not usually more often than every few months. She had a bad cold with a fever, then a week later a longer lasting fever that the doctor guessed was an ear infection and it cleared up with antibiotics. Then one week later a brief vomiting bug, with fever. Then as soon as that was over she came out in a rash all over that the doctor said looked mild and viral, I was really panicking by then though. Then as soon as the rash cleared up, she had a new fever that was just a fever on its own and no other symptoms except for complaining occasionally of tummy pain or pain in her hips. The fever has only just gone down now, two days later.

Throughout this whole month but especially in the last week my health anxiety has resurfaced and gone into absolute overdrive, but focused on my daughter's body rather than my own. I've got my friend's child's cancer journey mapped out in my head and it's like I'm trying to map my own experiences onto it, finding out which parts fit and using that to prove my daughter has cancer too. When she had the rash, I was testing it so many times a day to make sure it was blanching. Purposeful checks when she changed her clothes of course but also during the day, if she bent over and her top rode up I would take the opportunity to press her spots to make sure they still went away. When I realised two days ago that she had a new fever the fear made me feel sick. I've been taking her temperature a lot. Not just with a thermometer every few hours but also when I'm sat with her, I just take every chance I get to touch her back or her head and see whether she seems hot still. Or when we're sat together with our bodies in contact I'm constantly assessing whether this is TOO hot and should I take her temperature again? I'm inspecting every little blemish I see on her skin. She complains of random aches and pains and every time she starts a sentence with 'my' my heart skips a beat in case she's about to say she has a new pain. She was home from nursery today and my husband took the time off work to look after her, which was fortunate because right now it feels like it benefits me to be apart from her, to avoid this incessant testing. I'm used to performing this type of testing behaviour on my own body, it was a habit for years, but doing it to someone else is a new experience and it feels so damaging. Not just because it's horrible for me and intrusive for her, but also because I'm thinking the whole time, this is how you pass on health anxiety to a child.

So this is where I'm at now and I don't know what will happen next. I think my daughter has leukaemia, neuroblastoma and bone cancer all at once. There was a time when I could have convinced myself that these things are so rare, of course she doesn't have any of those. But now I know it can happen to people extremely close to me, people just the same as me, that fiction is shattered. So how can I know when it's health anxiety and when it's a reasonable fear? I'm not sure what kind of response I'm hoping for, but it's helped me a little just to write it all down. Thank you to anybody who has read this far.

01-03-23, 17:49
I'm so sorry your anxiety has gotten so bad again. Whenever someone else's illness starts to trigger me I try to remind myself over and over again that their struggle is not about me. Anxiety can be a very selfish disorder because it's so internally focused. But, the reality is that your friend's child having cancer has nothing to do with you or your child and in no way make it more likely that your child will also get cancer (in fact, whenever I start thinking this way I think how UNLIKELY it is the I will end up with the same rare condition as someone else I know - like what are the chances of that?).

The next thing I'd say is that I have an 8 year old and she has been sick 16 times since school started in August. That's more than 2 viruses per month on average. She has missed 26 days of school this year due to illnesses. This is an absolutely HEINOUS year of viruses. I, myself, have had 3 viruses that gave me fevers this year and I don't think I'd had a fever in probably 15 years before that. It's a nightmare out there and everything is terrible. But, all the kids and their families are going through this right now.

Finally, be mindful of all the checking. My mom had health anxiety and it was all about my brother and me. She was constantly checking up and panicking any time we said anything bothered us and what happened is that I stopped telling her anything that bothered me. To this day (I'm 40 next month), every time I call her she starts with, "is everything ok??" because she assumes it's because something bad happened, so I don't really call her much. If I tell her I'm sick or my daughter is sick, she calls 100 times to check on us, so I don't tell her that anymore either. This is a very big reason to try hard not to let this anxiety take over you. I also ended up with my own health anxiety as an adult.

04-03-23, 21:13
I'm so sorry your anxiety has gotten so bad again. Whenever someone else's illness starts to trigger me I try to remind myself over and over again that their struggle is not about me. Anxiety can be a very selfish disorder because it's so internally focused. But, the reality is that your friend's child having cancer has nothing to do with you or your child and in no way make it more likely that your child will also get cancer (in fact, whenever I start thinking this way I think how UNLIKELY it is the I will end up with the same rare condition as someone else I know - like what are the chances of that?).

The next thing I'd say is that I have an 8 year old and she has been sick 16 times since school started in August. That's more than 2 viruses per month on average. She has missed 26 days of school this year due to illnesses. This is an absolutely HEINOUS year of viruses. I, myself, have had 3 viruses that gave me fevers this year and I don't think I'd had a fever in probably 15 years before that. It's a nightmare out there and everything is terrible. But, all the kids and their families are going through this right now.

Finally, be mindful of all the checking. My mom had health anxiety and it was all about my brother and me. She was constantly checking up and panicking any time we said anything bothered us and what happened is that I stopped telling her anything that bothered me. To this day (I'm 40 next month), every time I call her she starts with, "is everything ok??" because she assumes it's because something bad happened, so I don't really call her much. If I tell her I'm sick or my daughter is sick, she calls 100 times to check on us, so I don't tell her that anymore either. This is a very big reason to try hard not to let this anxiety take over you. I also ended up with my own health anxiety as an adult.

Thank you so much for your reply. A lot here has resonated with me. I read "their struggle is not about me" and I've been saying that to myself over and over again since, I even said it to my husband yesterday. Luckily my daughter is now 2 weeks fever-free and I've started to calm down a bit! Interestingly my husband and I both came down with a horrible covid-like bug this week and amazingly our little one didn't get it. It's reassuring to hear about someone else who's had a lot of illnesses this winter as well.

It was really interesting to read about your mum and I just see myself in her already. I don't know I can avoid acting like this with my own child in the future but I really have to try xx

06-03-23, 02:43
Hi there. My child had cancer. It wasn’t subtle. The rash you are talking about only happens when the cancer has been present for a while. It’s not going to start like that. Many injuries can cause petechiae. Please don’t check your child. I had to be mindful of that when my son finished treatment. Also, most childhood cancers are curable. My son is 10 and is thriving. Cancer free for many years.

06-03-23, 21:37
Hi there. My child had cancer. It wasn’t subtle. The rash you are talking about only happens when the cancer has been present for a while. It’s not going to start like that. Many injuries can cause petechiae. Please don’t check your child. I had to be mindful of that when my son finished treatment. Also, most childhood cancers are curable. My son is 10 and is thriving. Cancer free for many years.
Thank you too for your reply, hearing something like this helps bring me down to earth. I'm very pleased to hear your son is doing so well following cancer xx