View Full Version : Random muscle spasms and tensing of muscles - please can you help?

21-02-23, 08:34
Hello there!

I hope you're all well and someone can give me a bit of reassurance. I am currently waiting for the results of a scan on my brain. I've had several problems with my vision of late and I think I have made myself anxious about this to the point where I am getting physical anxiety symptoms - the main one being muscle tensing all over - it's weird, it's like I can't even type a sentence without having to clench my hands or jiggle my leg. I'm seeing loads of muscle twitches all over my body. I'm almost sure it's just a prolonged period of stress but wanted to check I'm not the only one :(

22-02-23, 02:56
Yeah I get sore muscles from tensing them, and sometimes tension headaches. Muscle tensing is one of the most common things people with anxiety disorder do. One of the most important things for people with anxiety to do is some type of meditation. The ones that have helped me have been Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) and Restorative Yoga. I try to combine the 2 techniques into the same session.

I also get really bad twitching and spasms. It causes sleeping problems for me in the form of "hypnic jerks".