View Full Version : Still worried after normal colonoscopy and fit test

23-02-23, 09:09
Can’t believe I’m doubting results cos still seeing blood at times . Colonoscopy report said all normal bowel prep Was good and they got all the way to end of large bowel . Put econsult into gp
yesterday when panicked but dunno what I’m expecting really.
I think I’ve got piles but not mentioned in colonoscopy results so bleeding not explained.
Really hate myself atm I could just sit and cry 😢. On waiting list for cbt. Thanks for reading x

23-02-23, 17:21
What is the nature of the bleeding? Is it bright red, fresh-looking blood?

23-02-23, 18:09
What is the nature of the bleeding? Is it bright red, fresh-looking blood?
Thanks for reply . It’s literally tiny amounts of red mucusy blood on tissue / stool . ESP after straining. I should also mention that Colonoscopy was less than three months ago !

23-02-23, 20:11
Sounds like piles to me to be fair

24-02-23, 22:00
Maybe don't look at your poop so much? Most people don't do that. Just flush! :)