View Full Version : Does childhood bullying affect our health later in life

27-02-23, 22:13
Saw a article saying that being bullied as a kid could cause shortened telomeres which hav e to society aging and living long. It said that those who were bullied have premature aging and could have age related diseases and shortened life spans.

This scares hell out of me cause it’s supposedly science and feel there’s nothing I could do. To think those in school could have ruined my entire life make me sad mad and hateful. I don’t want to believe it true since how do anytime know what soemone health cells are or that soemthing from school could ruin it but I worry cause it said causes mental health I know that true what do you guys think

Here a article https://theweek.com/articles/476143/does-school-bullying-cause-young-victims-age-prematurely?amp

27-02-23, 22:17
Any stress can cause these kinds of issues, literally all stress can potentially cause those issues.

Best thing to do is deal with the bullying with therapy IF you think it might be causing you problems in later life, and avoid articles like this completely. It's yet another article describing an issue that most people experience at some point in their life and wrapping it up as a fear pill. As usual.

27-02-23, 22:23
I mean there are lot of bullying victims Im sure a lot of them live long healthy lives right I mean this is acting like this ruined your life and your health

27-02-23, 22:26
I mean there are lot of bullying victims Im sure a lot of them live long healthy lives right I mean this is acting like this ruined your life and your health

Like I said, stop reading articles like that and then you won't feel the need to keep fishing for reassurance about someting that didn't bother you yesterday.

People lead long, healthy lives after fighting wars and being shot.

27-02-23, 22:52
True they do

01-03-23, 09:00
Saw a article saying that being bullied as a kid could cause shortened telomeres which hav e to society aging and living long. It said that those who were bullied have premature aging and could have age related diseases and shortened life spans.

So, how do you explain the Holocaust where many of the survivors have lived into their 90s?

03-03-23, 16:36
So, how do you explain the Holocaust where many of the survivors have lived into their 90s?

The thing is every individual person is affected by adverse events in different ways and nobody is one and the same.

In a nutshell, some individuals just happen to be more resilient than others (and vice versa). It's part and parcel of human nature.

04-03-23, 06:36
In a nutshell, some individuals just happen to be more resilient than others (and vice versa). It's part and parcel of human nature.

We're not born resilient, so this means it's something we develop over time as with any other 'skill' with factors such as our upbringing playing a major part. While I'm definitely prone to negativity (Ask my husband ha ha), I was brought up by a mother (probably autistic) who initially fell apart at times of stress, but then she picked herself up. My mother even discharged herself from the mental hospital after her breakdown. She literally told the doc where he could shove his Valium and she got herself out of the shit before going on to have me. :noangel: She was bad ass, my mother and I think she's the reason why I'm able to keep picking myself up out of the crap too.. (Because that's what I grew up with...)

I've also read a lot of accounts from Holocaust survivors, and one that struck me in particular was that of a very old lady (one of those survivors who made it into their 90s) saying that she never allowed to the Nazi concentration camp guards to imprison her mind; that this was the only place they could not reach her...