View Full Version : why am i getting this ?

26-11-07, 09:30
Hi everyone for the past 4 weeks , I have been getting a very upset stomach, every day I wake up and go to the loo 4 times in a space of one hour. Then I go again several times thru the day and then again before bed.

Its starting to wear me down and I have thought its anxiety doing it , although Ive never been like this before :shrug: .

Then this morning , I made breakfast and sat down to eat it , I tookone look at it and thought OMG im gonna be sick , I felt like I was gonna vomit but when I got to the loo , No i didnt but instead had the upset stomach which was severe :blush: .

Does this sound like anxiety to you ?
Phoned NHS direct and they said I should see a gp today.

Getting concerned now , Ive lost alot of weight recently without trying , but then again my apitite has been poor.
six weeks ago i had alot of blood but that stopped.

I dont get much pain , only an upset feeling when i go.

sorry for the horrible details, just feeling weak with it.

26-11-07, 09:38
Hi Mirry,

Just a thought have you had your thyroid tested, only i was getting similiar symptoms several years ago and discovered that i had graves disease which is basically an overactive thyroid.
It makes your body speed up causing weight loss, needing the loo more, hot flushes, palpitations etc.
Of course it could be just good old anxiety, but it maybe worth mentioning it to the doc.
Hope you feel better soon

26-11-07, 10:09
Yes had my thyroid done recently and it was fine,,,
did you get diagnosed on your first thyroid test or did you have a few before they detected it ? Only I know a lady who for 15 years had symptoms with her tests coming out ok , but then one day they caught it on a blood test.
makes you think.

Just hope they can give pills if it is anxiety to stop it.
Yet I find it strange that I want to vomit at the same time ?
Usually Im a chubby person lol , but lately its all falling off quickly.
(this is so not me).I have been going to slimming world classes and havent been following it cos Im loosing weight anyway. when i go to the class and get weighed they all say WOW WELL DONE, lol .
Yet I cant announce in front of every one I am loosing weight cos I keep going to the loo alot , lol.

My family have celiac disease in the family but I doubt its that cso its only been the past 4 weeks or so.

Ive managed to get a gp appointment midday today , so will find out then hopefully.

take care


26-11-07, 14:21
doctor is having blood tests done (AGAIN),

he said its not anxiety related , he checking for celiac disease cos my uncle has it and other things that i cant remember ?
oh and also wants a sample (oh heck).

26-11-07, 14:37

My middle daughter has Ceoliacs disease and had all of the symptoms you have spoken about before she was finally diagnosed, once we cut the gluten from her diet she started putting on weight, wasnt at all lethargic and had no more bowel problems.


Trac xxx

26-11-07, 18:14
thanks Trac ,Your poor daughter dealing with that , glad she feels better now :yesyes: ,does anyone else in your family have it ?
I know my uncle went down to 7st 8lb before he was diagnosed .
The gp said he didnt think i had it but we should check it out anyway.
My uncle said he never felt sick with it , he just couldnt stop going.

Ive been 10 times today already , and have eaten all my dinner (sometimes I feel I dont want it). Having bloods taken tomorrow.

thanks for the replys :hugs:

26-11-07, 19:09
Am I right in thinking you changed your diet quite drastically recently - maybe your body doesn't like that??

As I said before you can ask for the tests I am having but see what else they come up with first.

26-11-07, 19:31
Hi Nic , just cut out sugar and white foods the past 2 weeks , told gp and he said no that wouldnt do it. Its been going on nearly 5 weeks now.

I really believed it was anxiety (still do) , cos it got worse if i was anxious , but then again it got bad even if i wasnt. But the vomit thing is a new thing ? He said if its a bug the vomit thing would just appear now.

Hes checking ......

autoimmune panel = gut

what ever they mean :shrug:

Pink Panic
26-11-07, 21:22
Hi Mirry,

ESR - Erythocyte Sedimentation Rate, this screens for infection

CRP - C Reactive Protein test, measures the concentration of a protein which is found in blood serum

Living with a Medic comes in handy sometimes :winks:

Hope all goes well for you tomorrow hun.

Love and hugs :hugs:


26-11-07, 21:29
lol , thanks Pink , how lovely living with a medic:yesyes: .

thanks very much :hugs: .

27-11-07, 15:29
had my bloods done today , didnt have a nice time cos the first arm they missed then the second arm they did it then it suddenly stopped coming out,
I started to feel sick and they put a fan on me ,lol.

still its done with now :yesyes: .

28-11-07, 14:55

I've been having loads of bowel problems recently

I am getting a lot of pain and mucus etc too though(sorry tmi)

Everytime I eat I have to rush to loo in agony :(

Ive had an ESR(checks for inflammation and poss infection)and CRP(also a check for inflammation)a FBC and sumat else lol

Now been referred to a Gastro!
Hope your results are back soon
H x

28-11-07, 15:05

hope your feeling better soon x

thinking of you

love dawny x

28-11-07, 15:30
hunny have you had your results yet ?
Do you have good days then bad ?
today Ive only been twice :yesyes: but I feel an upset feeling inside , Im certain its anxiety , like ibs maybe :shrug: .

over the past 5 weeks its been terrible and 99% of the days I go more than 3 times a day - up to 12 times a day ..
Did you have to give a poo sample (i did,really embarrasing :blush: ) Let me know how you get on.

Thanks Dawny :hugs: .

28-11-07, 16:27

Yes,had results yesterday

Came back ok!Well lab marked my esr as abnormal but Dr said it was below their guideline,which is good she said!...the marker result they use is 5-9 as being normal and mine was 2!!So now I'm worried about that of course..

I have been referred to the gastro mainly bcos I have cut out loads of food as everything is upsetting me
Im sure my problems began when I had two doses of antibiotics in the space of a month!

I have to say,yours does sound very much anxiety related and similar to the more minor symptoms I get with the IBS

H x

28-11-07, 17:05
Hunny I dont get any pain at all , the doctor said with IBS you usually get pain. He also said the fact I felt like I was gonna be sick and then had to rush to the loo sounds like an infection. 20 years ago I used to suffer really bad IBS and had to have investigations , it turned out I had something called h.plyori infection and had to have 3 lots of antibiotics to take together, then after that i was fine.

Its bad enough feeling like i may pass out with anxiety without now thinking I may need a loo ultra fast .

Bloody anxiety !!!

28-11-07, 19:11

I guess the bloods will give indication of an infection then
I do get nausea too and really bad dizziness.Dr took my BP and it ws 120/80 whereas with the home monitor it was 90/55!
I hope you get it sorted soon x

Just as an aside for me(sorry to be selfish)did the ibs cause a lot of pain,Im in soooo much pain,and did anything help it?

H x

03-12-07, 12:52
my bloods were normal , so its IBS .

how wierd to suddenly get that after 5 years of acute anxiety .

take care all