View Full Version : Cervical Cancer Fears

04-03-23, 01:12
I am a 43-year-old female who has been reading horror stories of cervical cancer (why does my health anxiety LOVE to Google?!). I see that it's a common fear on here as well.

I started going to the gyno around age 21 (when I first had sex) and had regular (annual) Pap smears until I was 34. All NORMAL - so thankful. NO HPV or anything of concern.

When I was 34 I had surgery to remove a large uterine fibroid, ended up with a c diff (superbug) infection and got PTSD from the whole ordeal - which made me skip my annual exams. So the last time I was checked was in 2017 (with a 4-D vaginal ultrasound as a checkup for my surgery but not a pap).

I am trying to get back on track with all of my exams...but I am so scared that for some reason that this time the pap will be abnormal because I've waited so long and did this to myself! Ugh. I have no pain during sex, no bleeding after sex, no symptoms other than some occasional mid-cycle spotting usually during ovulation (I've also spotted from the fibroids since my 20s so it's par for the course). My husband and I have been together for 20 years - and I only slept with one man before him. My hubby is very supportive and calming but I can't seem to get out of my head!

Has anyone else waited a while for an exam/pap and had everything turn out okay?

04-03-23, 07:04
Only one answer to this; go and have your smear. A few seconds, and it's done. A few days, and you have the result which will most likely be clear, so you can stop worrying...

04-03-23, 14:29

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


04-03-23, 20:25
Nora is right…there really is only one way to stop this. Get it done and put it behind you.

04-03-23, 21:38
Thanks, all! ❤️ I understand and will be getting tested. I just wanted to see if anyone else had waited a while and had everything turn out okay. Or if they had any tips to manage the “waiting for results” anxiety. Appreciate you all!