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16-02-05, 21:46
Does anyone have the book "Breaking free from the anxiety trap" by Terri Conley that I could either borrow or buy? I have tried for ages to get a copy of it with no luck. Or does anyone know wher I can get hold of it? Thanks, KT

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

16-02-05, 21:50
i dont have it sorry but do you have a local library they often can order a copy for you

fan x

16-02-05, 22:04
Hi Fan, thankyou for replying. I was told that you can only get hold of this from the author herself. I was given an address and sent a cheque for the amount. I never heard anything back and the cheque wasn't cashed. Have been on the waiting list for it on Amazon for the last 6 months but no luck yet! KT

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

17-02-05, 10:38
Hi KT I fond it here but still looking for more, The link to the page is here too. Think I will buy a copy too:)

The book is available from Mrs. T. Conley, P.O. Box 5, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE286DZ.
Cost is £7.99 (incl post & packing). Cheques payable to T. Conley.


Just copy and past the link. hope this helps. Vernon

17-02-05, 10:46
Hi kt again Just click the link no need to copy and past. this book is listed on amazon too but there is a waiting list for a second hand copy. But I think from what i have read its well worth buying new from above address nes. take care Vernon

17-02-05, 10:52
hi again KT. lol didnt read the last part of your post properly. Maybe your letter got lost? The page was posted on 24th of November 2004 so it is quite recent. I will send for a copy and let you know what happens. If you would like to PM me your name too I could write a note and ask if your letter was received. tc again Vernon

05-06-05, 16:58
have you tried either w h smith or ebay.


06-06-05, 11:17
Guys - persevere at the address Vernons supplied (they do have a website too).

I bought my copy 6 years ago from that address and it has been read time and time again - its currently being used by a friend of mine ( I lend it out alot).

It's well worth the money - that and the Claire Weekes one have been my bibles. Its very reader friendly and full of practical tips and similiar to this site in its approach.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

18-03-06, 08:43
I read about the problems KT had obtaining their book in early 2005 - I found out that the problem was down to the Royal Mail who "forgot" to deliver many letters via the WSHG's PO Box number. The Royal Mail have promised the problem has been resolved and now orders are getting through without delay.

The book "Breaking Free From The Anxiety Trap" by Terri Conley is only available direct from the author at the following address:

Wallsend Self Help Group
P.O. Box 5
Tyne and Wear
NE28 6DZ

It costs £7.99 including Postage and Packing.

If you've ordered the book from anywhere else, then you're either buying it second hand (if you can find a second hand copy!) or you'll probably be paying a handling charge to the middle-man company on top of the original cost.

For your information, there are also a CD (£9.99 inc p+p) and an advice booklet (£3.00 inc p+p) available direct from the author. Look on the web site of the Wallsend Self Help Group for more information: www.wshg.org.uk.

They try to get all orders sent out asap, and I found their products to be well worth the price.

18-03-06, 10:08
I bought this book direct from the author a few years back with no problems what so ever.

Perserve in getting it - IT IS FANTASTIC - I may need to buy a new copy as mine is falling apart from the amount of use it has had !


........life is for living not just for surviving

23-07-07, 07:26
I bought this book direct from the author a few years back with no problems what so ever.

Perserve in getting it - IT IS FANTASTIC - I may need to buy a new copy as mine is falling apart from the amount of use it has had !


I agree with Dark Angel: the book is fantastic, and has helped me through a few tricky spells in the past.

Despite the book only being available from the author, according to their web site, they haven't jacked-up the price and delivery still appears to be as reliable as it always was. I also liked the information they put on their site - www.wshg.org.uk (http://www.wshg.org.uk) - concise and informative.

"Breaking Free from The Anxiety Trap" by Terri Conley is a seriously helpful book, and well worth seeking out.