View Full Version : Blinking blue dot in vision

05-03-23, 22:16
Hi everyone,

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here. A few months ago I noticed a weird blue dot in my vision. It blinked every few seconds for 30 seconds or so and then disappeared. It has since happened a few more times. Noticeably after giving birth (just had my baby two weeks ago). Now I’m worried about something neurological. I also had an optic migraine last week, which I haven’t had in four years. Has anyone had a blinking blue dot in their vision?

06-03-23, 17:00

06-03-23, 21:46
I've had a flashing blue mark in my vision before, more like a lightning bolt than a dot, I saw it every time I moved my head for several days and then I had the afterimage for a couple of months. I went to the eye hospital and they found nothing, said it must have been an optical migraine. I had a chest infection at the time and thought maybe it happened because my body was run down. It makes sense something like this could happen when recovering from childbirth! Maybe you could see the optician when you can, for some peace of mind x

06-03-23, 23:38
Thank you for responding! I get stars in vision, but this one’s weird because it’s literally a blinking light. But super tiny. Like a tiny blue dot that blinks. Literally on and off for a few seconds and then disappears

13-03-23, 01:02
Yes I get visual migraines as well.

I’ve also seen red after images (despite not looking at a stimulus to cause them)

My blind spot has always been noticeably bigger in my left eye

I sometimes see a white light when blinking.

The list is literally endless of visual symptoms I get.

They’re not caused by anxiety I don’t think. They’re just annoying things which happen to us all.

All the best