View Full Version : Nasal problem and anxiety creeping back

07-03-23, 19:36
Looking for reassurance that others may have the same as me and help me retain a sense of perspective, before I begin to worry about the worse case scenarios.
(Have been so much improved and not suffered HA for a very long time, or at least I've managed it well and not been overwhelmed by it!)
So, I am menopausal , and have very dry nasal passages, one nostril especially dry with a long standing scabby, crusty sore. I have had episodes of severely dry nose over the past decade and indeed about the same time last year I was also picking at what I believe is the same scab in the same nostril.
I haven't been to see the Dr, hoping I don't need to, but I have just completed a 10 day course of Bactroban nasal ointment, which seemed to improve matters, but within days, the dryness and crustiness is back and I have caused further trauma to the sore. I am using Gelostil which is very soothing and moisturising and when the nasal lining is moist, the sore feels smoother and smaller.
I have inspected my nostril, as much as I am able with a torch and could see the dried bloody sore, surrounded by whitish plaque which also feels slightly raised and rough when my nose is dry, but not detectable by touch when nose is moist.
I feel I have caused scarring over a long time by picking at it, but now worried it will not heal properly which could be indicative of something sinister?
Looking for advice from anyone who has suffered similar? I am hoping I don't need to begin a journey of medical appointments etc.
Don't think I would have worried as much if I hadn't looked up my nostril

08-03-23, 08:10
Don't think I would have worried as much if I hadn't looked up my nostril

The only person who should be shining a torch up your nose is your GP. They've done the time at medical school, you haven't... (Nor have we)

This is how HA grabs you by the proverbials again, Marney...

As it happens, I didn't have dryness in the nostril issues until after the menopause...:unsure:

08-03-23, 11:26
I'm off to GP practice for an appointment this afternoon...got hubby to have a look and he said I need to get it checked..
On a journey again, trying to stay calm...

09-03-23, 06:59
How did you get on?