View Full Version : Absolutely Terrified please help

07-03-23, 20:02
I’ve had so many symptoms lately it’s been horrendous.
I’ve had a tight chest for about a month, racing heart, chest pain, breathlessness- I kind of started to accept these as anxiety as I’d been to the doc and she said anxiety.
HOWEVER A few days ago on top of all that, I noticed when I swallow, I can really feel my food go down? And then I seem to burp a lot after I’ve eaten? It’s like every swallow of food feels like I’m swallowing a large ball of food?! I even felt like some of my pasta was coming back up my throat slightly tonight after I swallowed it, I’m shaking so hard with fear. I did google before and I wish I hadn’t of- I’m reaching out here because I can’t seem to find anything on this being anxiety?!
Please can anyone help? I’m absolutely terrified!
I know the throat gets tight and all that- I’m very familiar with that/ but I’ve never had THIS with swallowing food before.
Thank you for your time xxx

07-03-23, 21:42
Anxiety can cause increases in stomach acid, can mess with digestion, and cause tension in your neck, all of which create some pretty scary feeling symptoms. Acid reflux can be silent too, meaning you won't feel burning. It just causes throat, gas, and chest tightness. You could be experiencing a little bit of reflux brought on my anxiety, which has mildly irritated your oesophagus and created the sensations you're describing. I've had that feeling of food being stuck plenty of times because of reflux.

07-03-23, 22:55
Anxiety can cause increases in stomach acid, can mess with digestion, and cause tension in your neck, all of which create some pretty scary feeling symptoms. Acid reflux can be silent too, meaning you won't feel burning. It just causes throat, gas, and chest tightness. You could be experiencing a little bit of reflux brought on my anxiety, which has mildly irritated your oesophagus and created the sensations you're describing. I've had that feeling of food being stuck plenty of times because of reflux.
Thank you SO much for your reply. It’s literally every time I eat. I’ll see if I can get some medicine to help with reflux!

08-03-23, 00:19
A bit dramatic on the title don't you think? :whistles:

Sounds like Globus which is a common anxiety symptom. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Throat_tighteningChokingSwallowing_proble ms)


08-03-23, 07:31
I know the throat gets tight and all that- I’m very familiar with that/ but I’ve never had THIS with swallowing food before.

Could be reflux (caused by anxiety) or it could just be an anxiety symptom...

This throat sensation is all part of flight or flight. We're not meant to be eating when the stress response is triggered, and this symptom is your body telling you to stop scoffing and start running because your brain thinks it is in danger...

Have you ever heard this phrase connected to anxiety: I had a huge lump in my throat..

It's a physical symptom. It's real, not imagined. The muscles in the throat are constricting, just as a load of other muscles are affected when we're under stress. Calm yourself down, and the symptom will eventually subside..

08-03-23, 10:32
A bit dramatic on the title don't you think? :whistles:

Sounds like Globus which is a common anxiety symptom. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Throat_tighteningChokingSwallowing_proble ms)


I’ve suffered with Globus for 20 years so I’m very aware of what it is, and I’ve read up on it and can’t find anything to do with actually feeling the food go down. It always just says about the general feeling that of the throat. That’s why I’m really scared


08-03-23, 10:34
Could be reflux (caused by anxiety) or it could just be an anxiety symptom...

This throat sensation is all part of flight or flight. We're not meant to be eating when the stress response is triggered, and this symptom is your body telling you to stop scoffing and start running because your brain thinks it is in danger...

Have you ever heard this phrase connected to anxiety: I had a huge lump in my throat..

It's a physical symptom. It's real, not imagined. The muscles in the throat are constricting, just as a load of other muscles are affected when we're under stress. Calm yourself down, and the symptom will eventually subside..

Thank you so much- I’ve taken so much comfort from this- that really does make sense! Xxx