View Full Version : Panic and worry about sepsis

07-03-23, 22:12
Hi everyone

I've had 2 weeks of a skin infection, the doctor says it's gone. It does look loads better but I was so ill. Have not eaten hardly anything in 2 weeks.

The doctor said its gone on Friday but I still felt sick and off my food. He said that's not unusual. By Sunday I started getting an appetite. Monday felt I had slightly more energy but today I've been lying about again and not eaten much.

I'm just worried the infection might still be in me, but I am improving gradually.

Just feeling panicky as been in for 2 weeks. If I wanted to go out for air I'd have to tidy myself up and don't have the energy.

Has anyone else been like this after an infection? Could it be partly that I've not eaten much for a fortnight? I just need to stay calm but thinking of the worst things all the time.

08-03-23, 06:46
If you haven't eaten much for two weeks you'll seriously be lacking in energy. Take it easy, build up what you do slowly and try and eat even if you're not feeling that hungry, little and often.

08-03-23, 08:23
Just feeling panicky as been in for 2 weeks. If I wanted to go out for air I'd have to tidy myself up and don't have the energy.

Stick a hat on and go for a gentle walk. Who cares what you look like? Your body needs to get moving in order for you to start getting back to your normal self..

Try and eat little, but often. Don't over face yourself with proper meals. As long as you eat something, (preferably nutritious) that'll do for now..

Has anyone else been like this after an infection? Could it be partly that I've not eaten much for a fortnight? I just need to stay calm but thinking of the worst things all the time.

I've three of the buggers since November. Infections really take it out of you. There's nothing to worry about; your body will take care of you, but you do need to do your bit to help things along..

12-03-23, 16:03
If you haven't eaten much for two weeks you'll seriously be lacking in energy. Take it easy, build up what you do slowly and try and eat even if you're not feeling that hungry, little and often.

Thanks Catkins. I'm a week since posting and still every so often get that grossed out, mild nausea feeling. I followed the advice of eating small things often, and that does seem to keep it in check. Then yesterday I had a really good day and ate 3 small meals. Then today I've got a mild shivery feeling in my legs and the grossed out mild nausea again.

The doctor is seeing me Tuesday, so hoping he'll allay my worry that I'm still infected. He told me the infection was gone from my leg on two separate occasions. I then called on Wednesday last week and was told he'll see me on Tuesday next. I took that to mean he wasn't worried.

If this feeling is just going to tail off over time then I'm not worried I'll put up with it, but it scares me as I think the infection is still in me. I've no temperature.

I'm also scared about this infection coming back, some people get flare ups again. I don't think I could cope with being home and sick for another 2 weeks on my own. I've started having panic attacks at the moment. I know they are because of what's happened. I just want to be outside all the time, but I'm not that well yet and my foot is still healing so I've got to be careful. I'm glad the longer days are coming but I'm feeling trapped at home. I never normally feel trapped on my own, it's part of recovery I imagine, I just hope it's not infection.

Thanks for listening.

12-03-23, 16:18
Stick a hat on and go for a gentle walk. Who cares what you look like? Your body needs to get moving in order for you to start getting back to your normal self..

Try and eat little, but often. Don't over face yourself with proper meals. As long as you eat something, (preferably nutritious) that'll do for now..

I've three of the buggers since November. Infections really take it out of you. There's nothing to worry about; your body will take care of you, but you do need to do your bit to help things along..

Nora, thanks, I've pretty much summarised where I'm at to Catkins above.

But you helped me get out that day with your post. I did just sort myself out enough to be presentable and went out for a walk.

I am eating little and often and it seems to take away this mild nausea / grossed out feeling. But I worry about that feeling that it might still be infection. I called the doctor on Wednesday last and he knew what my issues were as he'd been dealing with my leg infection. But the message from the surgery was that he will see me for follow up on Tuesday next week.

I was happy about that as it told me he wasn't worried about what I'd described to reception and expected it to improve. But sometimes, like today, I just feel scared. I'm going to eat in a minute, I haven't yet. My legs have got a slight shiver in them, I had that all through 2020 on and off and believed it to be covid. I've got a slight cough. So I'm wondering if I've got a mild virus as well and it's nothing to do with the leg infection.

I'm just feeling like I've been removed from the world for 2 weeks and this last week (the third week) I've been improving, but today just feel a bit off.

Strangely I feel a bit off my food the day after a good day of eating, yesterday I had 3 small meals and pretty much felt my normal self again.

Just feeling trapped at home alone (I never normally do), want to keep going out to prove to myself I'm not too sick to go out and I am not stuck in like I was for 2 weeks, just lying on the bed. I'm rambling. When I'm ill I freeze and stay away from people. I've got neighbours all around me here, we can hear one another and share the same garden, so I should have felt safe, but I didn't. I just hid away in bed for 2 weeks. I'm scared of that ever coming back. I've had 24 - 48 hour bugs, even flu for a week, but there was a predictable pattern where I knew I was going through it and coming out the other side, but this, I didn't know when it would end and it's been frightening. I also don't know if I was in sepsis for a while as I was very ill for 2 days before I called the doctor and he told me I had a skin infection. He said you are obviously on the mend but need antibiotics as the skin still needs help. I asked if I could leave the antibiotics as I was starting to feel better so surely I had the infection under control. He told me what to watch out for with the skin and said he'd rather me take them but if I don't, here's what to watch out for. Well the skin did everything he said was signs of recovery and I told him I didn't take the antibiotics. He was fine about it, he said not to take them now as I've got rid of the infection myself. But I worry about it and I also am pretty scared that sepsis (which I had all the signs of for 2 days before calling anyone) could come on so quickly.

And afraid the infection will come back. It takes so long to get over it.

Thanks for listening, I'm wittering on and a lot of it is angst today. Sorry to hear you've had infections in November, but grateful you can share your experience of recovery.

12-03-23, 19:34
My dad died today due to multiple infections and was fighting sepsis for several weeks. I can assure you that you did not have sepsis, it's a medical emergency and without treatment you'll get septic shock.No ifs or buts.

It's good that you are aware of sepsis and it's symptoms and if in future you feel like you are septic then you need A&E.

12-03-23, 19:54
Whizz, I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad. I lost my Dad some years ago. Thoughts with you. Thanks for your words. Take care x

12-03-23, 22:36
Today I have mild nausea, a feeling in the throat. I seem to be getting it after a good day of eating the day before. I don't know if it's signalling infection or is just a reaction to going without food (mostly) for a fortnight.

It worries me that I still have this happening. It's also not pleasant as I'm a bit of an emetophobe.

Don't know what to make of it. I can ask the doctor on tuesday but it's worrying me.

13-03-23, 07:54
Thanks for the kind words.

I'd speak to your GP again and express your concerns if nothing more than for peace of mind. In times where I've had really bad anxiety taking in food was a challenge and feeling sick but not hungry was a pain.

You say about a feeling in your throat, could you be suffering from acid?

13-03-23, 08:11
I'm just feeling like I've been removed from the world for 2 weeks and this last week (the third week) I've been improving, but today just feel a bit off.

Being up one day and down the next is normal when the body is trying to recover. If you're anything like me, you overdo things when you feel less shite, and this has a knock-on effect the next day. Keep things to a gentle level, but do try to keep moving, even if it's just a mooch around the house. Get your blood pumping, and you will feel better sooner than if you just lie there all day. (Speaking from experience here).

Thanks for listening, I'm wittering on and a lot of it is angst today. Sorry to hear you've had infections in November, but grateful you can share your experience of recovery.

I had a virus in November, another in December into January, and the latest one was a gastro bug in February. I'm hoping I get through March without one, but my immune system is affected by the condition I have and I pick things up more than I should do...:scared15:

28-03-23, 00:49
Being up one day and down the next is normal when the body is trying to recover. If you're anything like me, you overdo things when you feel less shite, and this has a knock-on effect the next day. Keep things to a gentle level, but do try to keep moving, even if it's just a mooch around the house. Get your blood pumping, and you will feel better sooner than if you just lie there all day. (Speaking from experience here).

I had a virus in November, another in December into January, and the latest one was a gastro bug in February. I'm hoping I get through March without one, but my immune system is affected by the condition I have and I pick things up more than I should do...:scared15:

Nora B, sorry you've been poorly, it's a real drag when you get a run of things.

I have been doing what you suggested, you've been a great help.

I've been well for a week now, eating normally, having walks outside. Unfortunately today was a little odd, I was off work and very tired so I thought I'd allow myself a lie down. My foot was sore from walking this week but I think it's just new skin that's tender. But when I woke up I had a very strange feeling, like flu, broke out in a sweat, went hot, then a bit later diarrhoea (sorry tmi).

I was really worried it was the infection returning as I'd spoken to the doctor on friday and told her the foot was sore, she didn't think I needed antibiotics but prescribed them just in case, due to the weekend being upon us. I didn't need them, but today was quite weird.

I didn't have a fever, but my temperature went up higher than is usual for me, it went to 37, which for me is high. I'm normally 36.5 or even less because I have an underactive thyroid. While I know that's not fever, I know it's unusual for me and I did feel ill. Plus I would never break out in a sweat, I don't even do that with flu so it was very weird.

But while my legs feel a bit quivery, everything has calmed down. Temperature is back to my normal, and I've eaten dinner.

So now I have no idea whether to call the urgent GP number tomorrow to check with the doctor about whether I should take the antibiotics. I've been ill since the last week of February and while I've been well for a week I was still not able to do much. The doctor said it will take that long, which is ok, but todays temperature spike has worried me as it was intense for a short while. It may be a mild stomach bug of course and nothing to do with the foot / leg, but how do I know. It felt similar to what happened before.