View Full Version : I'm a mess!

09-03-23, 11:09
So for background I am a 30 something female. Realtively good health and diet.

I had food poisoning on Sunday, 18 hours of throwing up every hour consistently keeping nothing down, and from other end but less often. On Monday I swear I saw brown discharge from my vagina, period not due until this Monday coming (so 7 days from that), since then I have had tiny hair link streaks of pink in vaginal discharge, thinking ok logically maybe period is coming early. I usually spot before. No biggie. Tried to be logical about this despite initial panic.

And then I just went to loo. Bloody discharge from wiping my bottom. Definitely not vagina this time, I checked. Bloody mucus. From my anus. I am dying and I am so scared and so panicked. Do I go to hospital? I am on my own having a huge meltdown and I have work to do.

09-03-23, 11:42
Is a stomach still sensitive after vomiting has stopped days before when you've had food poisoning? No pain, regular BM usually but was constipated a little last week but then back to normal then food poisoning then normal and then diarrhea after a coffee this morning with the bloody discharge on tissue.

I also have piles.

09-03-23, 13:00
The piles could be causing the blood and no you are not dying.

09-03-23, 20:49
If you had diarrhoea with the vomiting, it can cause inflammation of the bowel which causes bleeding. A friend of mine had the same thing, doctor wasn't worried.

Hope this helps. X

10-03-23, 06:56
Is a stomach still sensitive after vomiting has stopped days before when you've had food poisoning? No pain, regular BM usually but was constipated a little last week but then back to normal then food poisoning then normal and then diarrhea after a coffee this morning with the bloody discharge on tissue.

I also have piles.

I had a gastro bug the other week (both ends) and it took a full week after violently chucking my guts up for things to settle back down in my tummy. (My arse is still trying to recover).

You're not dying.

10-03-23, 18:22
Thank you for taking time to reply! I managed to calm myself down but then today my stomach still feels like I've had someone punch from the inside after eating a big lunch.

NoraB did you find appetite suppressed while recovering?

11-03-23, 07:41
Thank you for taking time to reply! I managed to calm myself down but then today my stomach still feels like I've had someone punch from the inside after eating a big lunch.

NoraB did you find appetite suppressed while recovering?

Yes, and it still is. I still can't finish a full meal...