View Full Version : Lymphoma (now Leukemia!)

09-03-23, 15:10
Massively suffer with health anxiety. In the past I've been afraid of Lymphoma, but now for some reason I'm also afraid of Leukemia.

It all started recently when I got a huge rash under my armpits and on both my arms and also some dry skin on my ears. I saw the doctor a few days ago and he gave me some creams that I've got to use for two weeks as he said it looks like a fungal infection that's likely due to me switching over to using a natural deodorant.

I have some enlarged lymph nodes behind both ears and in the corner of my jaw on both sides (not sure if these are actually lymph nodes), but I've had them for a few years now and had them scanned using ultrasound in the past.

The doctor felt the nodes in my neck, armpit and behind the ears and he couldn't even feel the ones that I'd had scanned in the past and also couldn't feel any new and enlarged ones. He also felt my stomach to see if my spleen was enlarged, as he said it can often enlarge and go by the stomach. He did this to try and help my anxiety, which I really appreciated.

So he sent me off on my way with creams and initially I felt better for seeing him, but this quickly changed.

Now I'm worried that he didn't send me for blood tests (though if something wasn't picked up in them, I'd probably just think that its a type that doesn't get picked up or in blood tests and still be worried). I asked him if I needed blood tests, but he said that it's not something we'd need to do yet and also doesn't think it'll show him anything.

After googling a lot, my stomach started to hurt, I've been tired (likely due to the fact I can't hardly eat anything due to my anxiety) and even my throat started to feel like there's a lump inside of it. I guess these are all classic anxiety symptoms?

It's made me paranoid that I had a bad shoulder recently too, which went away, and also the top of my right arm still aches a bit.

I just can't help but wonder if I'd be this much of a mess if it wasn't for the rash. Like if I hadn't had the rash (and started to Google) would I still be having these other problems?

Just needed to vent. Constantly living in my head, which is taking me away from working and also spending time with my beautiful 3 month old daughter :weep:

Should I just wait to see if the cream sorts my rash? I guess if I was actually ill a couple of weeks won't matter too much? I was also wondering if my anxiety would go once the rash does. My wife thinks the rash seems to be going down (well, isn't as red as it was)

Thanks for reading!

09-03-23, 18:14
Massively suffer with health anxiety. In the past I've been afraid of Lymphoma, but now for some reason I'm also afraid of Leukemia.

It all started recently when I got a huge rash under my armpits and on both my arms and also some dry skin on my ears. I saw the doctor a few days ago and he gave me some creams that I've got to use for two weeks as he said it looks like a fungal infection that's likely due to me switching over to using a natural deodorant.

I have some enlarged lymph nodes behind both ears and in the corner of my jaw on both sides (not sure if these are actually lymph nodes), but I've had them for a few years now and had them scanned using ultrasound in the past.

The doctor felt the nodes in my neck, armpit and behind the ears and he couldn't even feel the ones that I'd had scanned in the past and also couldn't feel any new and enlarged ones. He also felt my stomach to see if my spleen was enlarged, as he said it can often enlarge and go by the stomach. He did this to try and help my anxiety, which I really appreciated.

So he sent me off on my way with creams and initially I felt better for seeing him, but this quickly changed.

Now I'm worried that he didn't send me for blood tests (though if something wasn't picked up in them, I'd probably just think that its a type that doesn't get picked up or in blood tests and still be worried). I asked him if I needed blood tests, but he said that it's not something we'd need to do yet and also doesn't think it'll show him anything.

After googling a lot, my stomach started to hurt, I've been tired (likely due to the fact I can't hardly eat anything due to my anxiety) and even my throat started to feel like there's a lump inside of it. I guess these are all classic anxiety symptoms?

It's made me paranoid that I had a bad shoulder recently too, which went away, and also the top of my right arm still aches a bit.

I just can't help but wonder if I'd be this much of a mess if it wasn't for the rash. Like if I hadn't had the rash (and started to Google) would I still be having these other problems?

Just needed to vent. Constantly living in my head, which is taking me away from working and also spending time with my beautiful 3 month old daughter :weep:

Should I just wait to see if the cream sorts my rash? I guess if I was actually ill a couple of weeks won't matter too much? I was also wondering if my anxiety would go once the rash does. My wife thinks the rash seems to be going down (well, isn't as red as it was)

Thanks for reading!

Stop doing that.

All you need to know about health anxiety is that it's almost completely self inflicted.

If you're constantly self checking and scouring the internet for things that are going to kill you, then you'll suffer.

Stop doing it, get on with your life. It IS that simple.