View Full Version : Why can’t we trust what doctor said?

09-03-23, 17:37
Hi all
So I’ve been with my primary doctor for years. She knows my issues, my anxiety.

I have chronic neck/shoulder issue (2+ years at least) and has been back and forth with her, orthopedist, chiropractor, physical therapy. They all said I have no clinical weakness, and mostly posture and tension issue. My blood creatinine level is always at below normal level like 0.51, 0.52 when min level is 0.57.

I’m not active or go to gym, female 43yrs old. I do some light working on and off. I asked my doctor specially about this Creatine level and muscle dystrophy. She said she has no concern about the levels.

I know I shall trust her but back of my mind, I keep on wondering what if she is wrong? What if all of them are wrong? But then I’m too scared to ask for more tests. What if I do have something related to muscle disease?

I realize that anxiety makes us not trusting anyone.

09-03-23, 20:41
It's definitely the anxiety. Anxiety can be a funny and tenacious beast.

It's amusing - my therapist once said to me that she knows people will start to think of "what if" scenarios when they are anxious, but she said the "what ifs" I could come up with would never have crossed her mind. I must be very creative, lol.

Keep in mind that you've seen multiple specialists and they have all told you what the issue is, and I assume given you stretches/exercises to help it. And your levels may be a bit low, but your doctor is not alarmed and "normal" is relative for everyone; those levels may be your normal.

So just combat the anxiety with the logic and shut it down. When you feel a nervous thought coming on, say "my doctor has said this is not a problem, I have been checked and if my symptoms change I will be checked again" and then do something else to get your mind off of the anxiety. Take a walk, watch your favorite show, call a friend, do a puzzle - whatever it takes.

Best of luck. I think posture issues are becoming increasingly common, as we are so often on the computer or our cell phones and it's hard to sit properly while doing those things.

10-03-23, 06:41
It's definitely the anxiety. Anxiety can be a funny and tenacious beast.

So just combat the anxiety with the logic and shut it down. When you feel a nervous thought coming on, say "my doctor has said this is not a problem, I have been checked and if my symptoms change I will be checked again" and then do something else to get your mind off of the anxiety. Take a walk, watch your favorite show, call a friend, do a puzzle - whatever it takes. .

This. Finding and applying a logical distraction is the hardest thing to do and I’m still working on it. Thanks.

10-03-23, 08:09
I’m not active or go to gym, female 43yrs old. I do some light working on and off. I asked my doctor specially about this Creatine level and muscle dystrophy. She said she has no concern about the levels.

I know I shall trust her but back of my mind, I keep on wondering what if she is wrong? What if all of them are wrong? But then I’m too scared to ask for more tests. What if I do have something related to muscle disease?

Your level is only slightly lower then normal, and that's satisfactory for your doctor. (This might be your norm).

I imagine that a low level WITH certain symptoms is what they're looking for, and that doesn't appear to be the case with you..

It is hard to trust doctors when we have HA because HA is that convincing, but the reality is that doctors have done the time in medical school, and they've seen hundreds of patients, so we have to try and have faith in their ability and knowledge..