View Full Version : Worried about blood test. Potassium.

11-03-23, 08:02
Hi, ve just had a blood test and I'm panicking over the result. Everything else looked fine but the potassium was high end of normal. It was 5.2 and it should be between 3.2 and 5.3 so it's right at the end. I messaged the doctors but they just said it was normal and if I wanted to discuss it I need to make a doctors appointment, I dont want to because I don't want to waste the doctors time on a small question! Now I'm researching how to reduce it via food and I'm in a panic. Can anyone help?

11-03-23, 08:07
I looked back over my recent other blood tests and the level just seems to be going up slowly.

11-03-23, 08:13
Hi, ve just had a blood test and I'm panicking over the result. Everything else looked fine but the potassium was high end of normal. It was 5.2 and it should be between 3.2 and 5.3 so it's right at the end. I messaged the doctors but they just said it was normal and if I wanted to discuss it I need to make a doctors appointment, I dont want to because I don't want to waste the doctors time on a small question! Now I'm researching how to reduce it via food and I'm in a panic. Can anyone help?

It's normal, Victoria.

I wouldn't start messing around with your diet unless told to do so by your doctor, or you could be causing yourself problems..

11-03-23, 08:48
Thank you. I was more worried when I looked at my previous ones and it seems to be going up bit by bit.

11-03-23, 09:02
This is the rest of it:

Urea & Electrolytes Interpret eGFR with caution in adults with extremes of muscle mass
and in those who consume protein supplements.
eGFR > 89 does not exclude CKD if there is evidence of chronic
kidney damage - refer to renal referral guidelines.
AKI has not been detected,OR an AKI calculation has not been made
If AKI is suspected, please REPEAT serum creatinine within 24 hrs
Serum sodium level 140 mmol/L [133.0 - 146.0]
Serum potassium level 5.2 mmol/L [3.5 - 5.3]
Serum urea level 4.1 mmol/L [2.5 - 7.8]
Serum creatinine level 57 umol/L [49.0 - 90.0]
GFR calculated abbreviated MDRD > 90 mL/min/1.73m2
Acute kidney injury warning stage NA

11-03-23, 09:14
I gave up looking at my blood results yonks ago. I don't know what I'm looking at (I do know that different labs have different limits) and every time I've had the vapours over a test result, the doctor has said it's absolutely fine. So now, I have my blood test and accept that the doctor knows what's abnormal, and what isn't. If there's a problem, I will be told about it..

11-03-23, 09:46
Got bloods done recently myself, CRP was very slightly up (5.3 and it should be under 5) but the Dr said it was due to a minor infection I was getting over. I was getting an attack of the "what ifs" before I told myself that my doctor sees literally hundreds if not thousands of blood tests every single year, they know what's normal and what isn't, even if it's a little outside limits. Me running off to Google or coming here to try find someone who had similar isn't a substitute for that so I eventually just accepted it!

11-03-23, 09:50
Same with me Nora, I believe what the doc tells me.

Victoria, I have had high potassium readings for years yours is ok.

11-03-23, 13:27
This is what happens when people with no medical qualifications start making decisions and making assumptions as if they did.

Throw the results in the bin, get on with your life until you're told there's a problem.

As Nora said, your results are NORMAL. Worry about them when they're not. Do NOT start dieting to reduce NORMAL potassium levels.

11-03-23, 16:34
It's the thought of tipping that level over the edge thats scaring me. I was looking forward to eating chocolate peanuts this weekend and now I'm too scared to eat them as they have a lot of potassium in.

11-03-23, 16:35
I wish I'd never read them in the first place

12-03-23, 09:31
I take it you have online access to your medical notes?

12-03-23, 11:34
It's the thought of tipping that level over the edge thats scaring me.

That's because you have no idea what you're talking about. Your body regulates electrolyte levels quite well, and your imaginary catastrophe is the actual issue. You may as well sit there worrying about being run over. That also might happen.

I was looking forward to eating chocolate peanuts this weekend and now I'm too scared to eat them as they have a lot of potassium in.

Again, no idea what you're talking about. A huge portion of chocolate covered peanuts has less potassium in them than one avocado. If you start avoiding potassium based on having a normal potassium level, the resulting potassium deficiency (and partial eating disorder) WILL eventually become a problem.

You need to carry on with your life as if nothing is wrong (and you have written proof that that's the case) before you go down a habit route that does cause problems.

13-03-23, 00:56
No big deal.

I’m on Lisinopril and used LoSalt instead of table salt. I should know better as I’m a Pharmacist.

A routine check revealed my K was at either 5.5 or 5.6. Can’t remember which. No big deal, I just laid off the LoSalt.

You don’t need to be worrying about your result. It’s normal.

13-03-23, 09:29
Thank you for your help everyone, I've calmed down a bit. Yes Nora I have access to them, I can never get through to the doctors if I phone for results so I just looked on there for it, the but where it says Normal is right above the blood teat readings so I just saw it straight away.

13-03-23, 19:36
It's really not helpful to have access to a printout of your blood test results because with HA you just look for anything which is near the upper or lower end of the normal ranges and catastrophise. The reality is normal means normal. Doctors aren't bothered about minor variations to the scale. You are because you have HA. Do yourself a favour and get the surgery to block these printouts? Better still..Don't request any more blood tests if your GP doesn't understand about HA and just orders tests for reassurance purposes.

14-03-23, 08:09
Thank you for your help everyone, I've calmed down a bit. Yes Nora I have access to them, I can never get through to the doctors if I phone for results so I just looked on there for it, the but where it says Normal is right above the blood teat readings so I just saw it straight away.

Remove access, and that's one less problem...

Your doctor will contact you if there's a problem...

14-03-23, 15:48
I may be a bit blunt/ rude, just for the sake of giving you the kick in the butt that you need :)

Why on earth would you worry about such a thing?

The doctor is not worried. It's in the normal range. Hello! There are ranges for a reason. Keep going to the doctor and getting your blood tested (ON THE REGULAR SCHEDULE!... NOT more frequently than normal!)..as anyone should. If it becomes a problem, the doctor will see it, and will tell you what to do. End of story.

20-03-23, 12:58
Thank you everyone, you've all helped me calm down. I'm still thinking about it but not in quite a state about it now.

20-03-23, 13:32
Why on earth would you worry about such a thing?

Come on, Serith, you've gone toe-to-toe with health anxiety yourself haven't you? You know how this works... Rationality goes out the window when HA has us by the proverbial balls/flaps...:scared15: