View Full Version : Polyp in bowel causing anxiety

13-03-23, 00:51
Hey everyone

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on here.

So in July 2021 I had a colonoscopy which found an 8mm polyp in my transverse bowel. This was at the age of 28 and a family history of bowel cancer (my uncle has metastatic disease and my dad has had many polyps removed)

In November 2021 I developed panic attacks and began Sertraline. It worked extremely well for my health anxiety, but it made me completely stop caring about other aspects of my life. My drinking became very dangerous when I was on it as well.

I came off the Sertraline (Zoloft) in October 2022 and Im now back to ‘normal’. But Im sick with worry about the polyp found.

Im worried I’ll go for another scope and cancer will be found. I feel like a ticking time bomb with the polyps. What if they missed one which has since turned cancerous?

Has anyone on here had experience with polyps being found at a young age? And the follow ups revealing more polyps?

I’ve read some studies which say polyps are found in about 5% of 20-29 year olds undergoing colonoscopy, which reassures me because maybe it’s not as worrying as I think it is.

Thanks for the input

13-03-23, 01:56
Polyps are fairly common in men. Usually in older folks. I had my first colonoscopy at 41 and they found, like 6. I went back almost 10 years later. Another 6. I'm scheduled to have a follow up one in July (3 years since last scope). That will mark almost 14 years since my first scope. Who knows how long I had them before my first scope. Having 1 polyp, I wouldn't give too much of a thought about. I was told with the 'western' diet most of us are eating these days, polyps are becoming more common.