View Full Version : Am idiot. Please kick up the rear.

13-03-23, 13:41
Husband is going for blood pressure check today because of a new government initiative to get a baseline for everyone.

In between reminding myself that this is nothing and everything is fine, I'm panicking.

Remind me again of how illogical and stupid this is, please?

13-03-23, 13:59
This is probably the last thing I would worry about and I have health anxiety

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13-03-23, 14:08
This check is only because of the new initiative. It's a good idea as high BP needs to be treated. IF Pete does have high BP then it's best to find out now and have meds prescribed. My son has high BP and takes meds.

This is just WCS and no big deal in reality. I hope he comes home with good news but if it's a bit raised he and you will deal with it just fine

13-03-23, 14:25
His BP was smack bang in the middle of the healthy range, just like it always is.

Sorry for being a tw@.

13-03-23, 17:06
Am very glad that all is well on the BP front..but even if it hadn't have been you would have coped and Pete would have taken meds. It's about having more confidence in yourself? You won't go to pieces if he were in fact to become ill..You would look after him and support him despite the panic..as he would you if the positions were reversed. I'm sure of that.

13-03-23, 17:35
Sorry I missed this when you needed a reply but I see pulisa and Joe came to your rescue.
I can understand how that got to you.
All is fine now and that's all you need to know. x

14-03-23, 08:28
Sorry for being a tw@.

You're not.

Sorry I only just saw this...

14-03-23, 08:56
All good.

The really guilty part is that I was also invited, but I know what happens when medical personnel try to take my blood pressure and if I'd gone it would've involved mess and panic attacks and it just wouldn't have ended well.

14-03-23, 09:08
I'm with you on that one BlueIris :hugs:

14-03-23, 09:22
Thanks, Carnation. :hugs:

I know it's probably on the high side, however, I know from experience that if I'm panicked, it shoots up to a point where medical personnel start freaking out and the vicious circle begins.

14-03-23, 09:25
It's not a true reading when you have white coat syndrome.

14-03-23, 09:30
Exactly, so it just felt like a pointless exercise.

14-03-23, 13:24
When I had my last Covid jab everyone was offered a screening BP check afterwards as part of the NHS initiative etc etc. Probably not the brightest of ideas! Mine was higher than normal but the vaccinator took it again a bit later and it was a bit better. The person next to me got a really high reading and was packed off to his doctor straightaway.

14-03-23, 13:27
Glad you understand, Pulisa. I'd really like to be able to get it done, it just seems like a really bad idea.

14-03-23, 13:37
The thing is with a bp reading is it's not a reliable account of your normality. That's why it's sometimes requested that you wear a heart monitor for 24 hrs. Even that might not be a true account because you are aware of your heart being monitored. Most high bp is caused by hypertension and is normally momentary. For anyone with anxiety it is a worry to have a bp reading which is why I don't bother.
You'd have to take me kicking and screaming to have a bp test, I'm not exaggerating. And if I was to have a reading and it was high and was asked to sit and calm down, that would just make it worse for me.

14-03-23, 13:58
Totally get you, Carnation, which is why I got panicked even thinking about my husband having one.

14-03-23, 16:43
Sounds like your hubby is similar to my o/h, heart of a twenty year old :yesyes:

14-03-23, 17:57
Just seen this, I had one high reading last year when I was feeling really anxious and bam they were convinced that was the norm. Ended up taking it for a week at home and it was fine.