View Full Version : DIZZINESS

26-11-07, 13:32
Can tension in head, neck and shoulders cause dizziness???

26-11-07, 14:53
Yes it definitely can. i suffer from tension in my shoulders and neck and my Dr told me when you tense your shoulderss and neck up it restricts blood flow through to the brain which makes it difficult for blood to circulate properly which will make you dizzy and faint. Wenjoy xx

26-11-07, 15:47
Yes I definately get dizzyness when stessed and also when I have been bending my head forward for a while.:flowers:

26-11-07, 19:33
Correct breathing will help the dizziness.

28-11-07, 05:05
Describe your dizziness, does the room spin or does it not?

28-11-07, 07:25
Hi there,

No it doesnt spin as such - it just feels like I am on a ship. I feel as if i am going to fall over and sometimes walk into things. Why?

29-11-07, 22:13
No it doesnt spin as such - it just feels like I am on a ship. I feel as if i am going to fall over and sometimes walk into things. Why?

I have been getting that too, it's not like not the room is moving but in myself I feel off balance like I am moving slightly. Sometimes if my heart beats I feel myself moving slightly, it affects me travelling now I am anxious, it didn't before. :huh:

Anyone know how to combat it?

30-11-07, 01:05
Okay, because if the room is spinning the odds are that its an issue with your ears. If the room doesnt spin than it could be like my symptom.

I myself have seen many doctors abouts this condition and all have told me that it is anxiety..

If you want to discuss it in more detail send me a PM and i'll go over my symptoms with you OR you can search old posts of mine re; light headedness and dizzy posts.. Man i know there are many!..

Hope to talk with you soon.

02-12-07, 10:33
I also suffer with this. After I had my third child I had a womb infec, we had just moved house and I had just passed a Psychology ALevel Exam, plus had two other little ones to look after. My husband was hopeless, and not supportive at all, I felt so stressed i could have burst, then came the giddiness, terrible crippling vertigo, and I still had to carry on taking the kids to school etc....... nightmare. I had it for a year in total...... but then I had bad food poisoning and thyroid probs in amongst all that which obviously caused me stress. Lately, as I am so stressed again due to marriage probs, all the giddiness has come back, not as bad thankfully, but I am aware of looking after myself a b it more this time, I am taking high does of Vit C as I am run down, flaxseed oil, and Garlic (prob not doing a thing but makes me feel better,LOL) I am trying to plan less and not fill my time quite as much which I normally do.... steam inhalations are good for clearing the head... so I do that. I am seeing a Chiropractor cause I have tension related probs with my neck and jaw..... I still find it hard to relax and I cannot emotionally cope with the crisis in my llife at presesnt, one thing at a time I guess...
The giddiness I believe is a sign from your body to try and ease your stresses, try and take some time out for you, work out a plan as to how you can tackle your anxieties. (easy to say I know) Good luck. Dizziness, and the walking on the boat feeling, is very common. Don't worry as it worsens it.