View Full Version : I hope I am overreacting here

14-03-23, 19:10
I was handling our outside trash can, and there was little water on the lid ( rain from previous night?), and a drop hit my cheek when I opened the lid. I washed my face with soap, but when I was rinsing it (splashing my face with water), naturally, I swallowed some water. Is there any chance that I could get infected with Hep A? If that drop from the lid was bad? Freaking out.

14-03-23, 19:23
No chance whatsoever.

14-03-23, 19:40
Thank you BlueIris, so much. I always, always worry that I will get infected with something during the most common, everyday situations. If I would live by that fear, I would NEVER EVER leave the house. It is exhausting - to say the least.

I still think about it, trying to get rid of the thought, but it is intrusive ( obviously, that is why I am the member here). So you think it is literally impossible, right? I mean, my face was already soaped. Guys, I know this is reassurance asking, but it help ease the intrusive thoughts. Thank you again, and anybody else who chimes in.

17-03-23, 13:45
I don't want to reassure you because you know that no amount of reassurance from others will make these intrusive thoughts go away. The reassurance will help only until another substance touches your face or whatever. You already *know* intellectually that the thoughts are ridiculous. I want you to challenge your own thinking, practice mindfulness, and figure out for yourself how to get the intrusive thoughts under control. Us providing reassurance just feeds the cycle, no?

17-03-23, 14:27
This is way beyond overreacting. This is well into the realms of fantastical fiction.

You need to try and see how absurd and ridiculous the idea is in the first place so you don't keep going down the same mental pathways.

17-03-23, 15:53
@serith and ankietyjoe,

Thank you guys! I know, this has become beyond ridiculous. I really need to do something ( you would not believe a thought I had this morning, I am too embarrassed to even talk about it). I will now implement your advice and words to that thought too, and just f...ing be done with this! I have allowed the devil to rule my life, and I must stop it.

Thank you again - often the harsher words I get, the better I feel. I need that slap of reality.

18-03-23, 10:10
Thank you again - often the harsher words I get, the better I feel. I need that slap of reality.

Honestly, that's the best way to face this....in my opinion. The best therapsists I ever had were the ones that severely challenged my anxiety behaviour with an almost 'ffs dude, pull yourself together' attitude.

But, one of the best things you can do with HA is just mentally shrug it off and tell yourself it's fine. Even if there's the voice screaming at you that it might not be, just mentally say 'nope, can't be bothered today'.

What this does is retrains the subconscious as you've told it you're fine, and eventually the evidence starts to sink in that you were telling the truth, when the Hep A infection DOESN'T actually emerge.

19-03-23, 08:59
Honestly, that's the best way to face this....in my opinion. The best therapsists I ever had were the ones that severely challenged my anxiety behaviour with an almost 'ffs dude, pull yourself together' attitude.

Same. (And it's also the narrative I use on myself, complete with swears) :yesyes:

19-03-23, 14:48
Guys, Thank you again for putting an effort and replying to this pretty outlandish thoughts of mine. I really appreciate people here. :bighug1:

20-03-23, 10:28
Guys, Thank you again for putting an effort and replying to this pretty outlandish thoughts of mine. I really appreciate people here. :bighug1:

Your thoughts are more common than you think. I recall 15 years ago 'knowing' I had lead poisoning from old pipes in a property I bought.

I didn't make a connection with the fact I was only sleeping 2-3 hours a day and living off a diet of coffee and cigarettes.

20-03-23, 12:14
Your thoughts are more common than you think.

....Except that they're really not common because most people can see that they're completely ludicrous... even on a forum for people with anxiety...

(Just didn't want to allow the level of validation you were providing...)

20-03-23, 14:07
....Except that they're really not common because most people can see that they're completely ludicrous... even on a forum for people with anxiety...

(Just didn't want to allow the level of validation you were providing...)

I wasn't validating them in any way.

I was observing that the OP's thought their thoughts were outlandish, and then suggesting that they're pretty common among those with anxiety. And, even on a forum for people with anxiety, most here will relate to having that level of ridiculous thoughts at some point.

Suggesting I was validating the thoughts as almost as ridiculous, given my previous comments.