View Full Version : Stomach anxiety worries

15-03-23, 00:01
Hello, I’ve had a long road getting to this point and was looking for some help coping or reassurance. It all started beginning of February when I learned that I needed my wisdom teeth removed and I lost my job. That’s when the stomach issues started, diarrhea once every day. My appetite went after that, a few weeks later I saw a gp who told me to take fiber and that it was anxiety based IBS. I tried that for two weeks and it kind of helped but the issues still kept continuing. I went again and she referred me to a gi, this is also around the time I started getting cramps that were similar to when I was getting treated for pelvic floor dysfunction. I wait a week and see the gi, based on his analysis I have ibs-c. Then the cramps got worse so I went to an er only to have a clear X-ray and say there’s nothing they can do for me. So I go to my pelvic floor pt to get some help there and the pelvic muscles were unbelievably tight, she said they were pulled up. I asked her if this could explain the ibs and she said they often come in pairs. This would explain everything but my mind keeps thinking there’s a missing piece, especially since I’ve felt thirsty later and havent been peeing much. Also my arms hurt now and I get tension in my neck, both get worse when I’m stressed. The therapist said it won’t get better until I learn to relax but I’m having trouble believing it, how do you believe what the doctors tell you?