View Full Version : Tummy Problems/I.B.S.

26-11-07, 14:20

For the past few weeks, I have been experiencing a few stomach symptoms. It started to the left and the right of my bellybutton. Not really a pain - just really feels quite sensitive. Now it seems more to the left of my bellybutton, but quite a way lower down. Other times it seems more to the right side (not Appendix, not that low down) I don't feel it all the time, I never feel it when I am in bed and it is not interferring with sleep etc. I am taking Sertraline, so maybe this has something to do with it, as I have read that 95% of Serotonin is either made or stored in the bowel. Sometimes it feels like a twisting or stabbing, and then it has gone, as suddenly as it came. Is it possible to feel like this through I.B.S? Had my tummy examined a few months ago, no problems. Blood tests were all ok last April. I suppose it is possible that I have strained my stomach - do a lot of silly lifting and carrying very heavy bags. If it was strain, how long does it take to go?



27-11-07, 20:43
Any thoughts anyone??


27-11-07, 20:54
HI , it doesnt sound like anything serious to me , but im no doctor :shrug: .

If you have no toilet problems and no nausea then thats a good thing I guess. As for stomach muscles , my husband strained his really bad once and it took over 1 year for the pain to go away , it was really strange.

Still it doesnt hurt to get a gp to check you out to put your mind at rest.

take care and no more carrying heavy bags for a while maybe ?

28-11-07, 22:49

i have ibs, and from what i know, doesnt really sound like ibs to me, otherwise you would definatly have other symptoms.....

sounds more like youve strained stomach muscles... do you stand correctly when you lift things? ie: bend at the knees?

also, i dont know your age, but ive noticed after i turned 30, i now get all sorts of odd pangs of pain all over the gut and other spots......

29-11-07, 12:38
Thanks Both of you!

When your husband strained his stomach muscles, was it a "pulling or twisting" sensation he had? I have probably just strained them, and I am not giving it enough time to heal. I do a lot of carrying, lifting etc, so it is quite possibly that!
