View Full Version : Endometrial cancer worry, (polyp)

11-03-23, 15:18
Hi all,

Since my covid vaccines my period has been all messed up, especially through periods of stress. My period either seems to stop or I have longer than usual periods.
I've been light bleeding/spotting since January. This bleeding started after I nearly lost my Mum to a ruptured spleen.
She survived but the whole thing was. Incredibly traumatic.

I've also been stupid and have avoided smear tests since 2017 after having my IUD out as I had a horrendous experience! The Dr at the time of removal of my IUD first tells me to think of my partner which doesn't help and then when the speculum was in she started twisting it to get it in deeper. It being twisted caused a huge amount of pain and just put me off.

I went to my local GP practice a few days ago and with the help of her empathy and a nurses kindness I got it done and nearly cried with relief afterwards.
She used to work in a sexual health clinic so has seen all sorts of downstairs mischief, and said my cervix is ectropion which isn't harmful in any way, but that my cervix looks really healthy. My question is would they have a good indication from looking at the cervix if something was really wrong?

I've also had all the below symptoms going on also, and I'm not on BC as we use just condoms.
Female, 33

Fsh urine test positive 2nd positive test on the 11th

Periods have been off since covid vaccine
Missed period December 2021
18 day period in Feb 2022
Missed period July 2022
2 periods in August 3 weeks apart
Missed period September
Short and light period October
January 2023 really long period

Dryer down there over the past 8 months
Rarely get watery discharge
Taking longer to get stimulated for sex

Metallic taste in mouth
Occasional night sweats
Insomnia without amitriptyline
Sharp pain in feet
Pins and needles in hands and feet
Fine facial hair
Tender breasts occasionally, not just around time of period
Dry skin
Itchy ears
Sudden spikes of feeling really hot where I have to take my temperature but temp is fine.

Am really scared about cervical cancer and would just like some thoughts I suppose.

11-03-23, 21:41
Hi all,

Since my covid vaccines my period has been all messed up, especially through periods of stress. My period either seems to stop or I have longer than usual periods.
I've been light bleeding/spotting since January. This bleeding started after I nearly lost my Mum to a ruptured spleen.
She survived but the whole thing was. Incredibly traumatic.

I've also been stupid and have avoided smear tests since 2017 after having my IUD out as I had a horrendous experience! The Dr at the time of removal of my IUD first tells me to think of my partner which doesn't help and then when the speculum was in she started twisting it to get it in deeper. It being twisted caused a huge amount of pain and just put me off.

I went to my local GP practice a few days ago and with the help of her empathy and a nurses kindness I got it done and nearly cried with relief afterwards.
She used to work in a sexual health clinic so has seen all sorts of downstairs mischief, and said my cervix is ectropion which isn't harmful in any way, but that my cervix looks really healthy. My question is would they have a good indication from looking at the cervix if something was really wrong?

11-03-23, 23:57
my cervix looks really healthy. My question is would they have a good indication from looking at the cervix if something was really wrong?

Look at it this way. When you buy a piece of fruit, you look for certain things and can tell if its too ripe or damaged right? Well gyno doctors and nurses have seen their fair share of women's fruit and know if it's good or not ;)


12-03-23, 08:27
That's a good way of looking at it. The Dr I had has seen a lot of cervixes as she used to work at a sexual health clinic. She said I had the cervical ectropion but that was harmless, and my cervix looked really healthy.

So you think she'd see if there was something really wrong?

12-03-23, 11:40
So you think she'd see if there was something really wrong?

Read my reply again :shades:


12-03-23, 14:49
I had an abnormal smear back in January and a colposcopy to follow up, the anxiety during the waiting between those times was absolutely horrid, I have to go for a LLETZ procedure on 21st march because of abnormal cells. These aren't cancer, but obviously it's not nice, especially with health anxiety, all I can tell myself is 'imagine if I kept putting off my smear test, it wouldn't go away would it?' You're doing the best thing by going for your smear, your results might come back absolutely fine and the odds are in your favour for them to do just that. But I just wanted to say even if they don't it's WAY before the point of cervical cancer, and all they have to do is buzz off the cells which according to my appt letter - has a 95% success rate. Of course I'm still anxious, but it's happening, whether I like it or not, unfortunately lol. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers thanks to smear tests. It also usually takes about 15 years to develop from the abnormal cells point to anything sinister. Pretty good odds, are they not?
Like I say, you're doing the best thing you can by facing it head on, trust your doctors and nurses. It's going to be OK

16-03-23, 21:27
Where do I start....
I'm 33, 34 in a few months and since I had the covid vaccine my periods have been up and down. They disappeared and then returned and became lighter, but when I get stressed they either disappear or just last for a long time.
Last January I went through a ton of stress and my period lasted 18 days.
This January I again went through a ton of stress as I nearly lost my mum and I've been bleeding/spotting since.
I had a transabdominal ultrasound done, not transvaginal and they found what they believe to be an endometrial polyp.
I've now been put on a 2 week pathway to check for endometrial cancer. I haven't stopped crying since. I have severe health anxiety and to say I'm terrified is an understatement.

My GP said that this is just precautionary and most polyps are benign, I went and saw a specialist gynecologist and she said in her opinion she would not be alarmed at all and with everything in consideration she personally wouldn't have done a 2 week pathway but said my GP probably done it thinking she was being helpful. The gynecologist really tried assuring me that with my age and such the chances were very low of something sinister.

I feel so scared. I really hoped my hormones would come back a bit unbalanced and that would be the issue but the GP and the gynecologist have said they look fine.

I've posted all my symptoms below I just need to hear some stories of comfort or reassurance right now please.

Fsh urine test positive 2nd positive test on the 11th
3rd fsh test positive on the 16th

Periods have been off since covid vaccine
Missed period December 2021
18 day period in Feb 2022 after huge amount of stress
Missed period July 2022
2 periods in August 3 weeks apart
Missed period September
Short and light period October
January 2023 really long period after huge amount of stress

Dryer down there over the past 8 months
Less water discharge but sometimes
Taking longer to get stimulated for sex

Metallic taste in mouth
Cravings for sugar, salt and carbs
Occasional night sweats
Insomnia without amitriptyline
Sharp pain in feet
Pins and needles in hands and feet
Fine facial hair
Tender breasts occasionally, not just around time of period
Dry skin
Itchy ears
Sudden spikes of feeling really hot where I have to take my temperature but temp is fine.
Taste and smell sensitive

16-03-23, 21:28
Where do I start....
I'm 33, 34 in a few months and since I had the covid vaccine my periods have been up and down. They disappeared and then returned and became lighter, but when I get stressed they either disappear or just last for a long time.
Last January I went through a ton of stress and my period lasted 18 days.
This January I again went through a ton of stress as I nearly lost my mum and I've been bleeding/spotting since.
I had a transabdominal ultrasound done, not transvaginal and they found what they believe to be an endometrial polyp.
I've now been put on a 2 week pathway to check for endometrial cancer. I haven't stopped crying since. I have severe health anxiety and to say I'm terrified is an understatement.

My GP said that this is just precautionary and most polyps are benign, I went and saw a specialist gynecologist and she said in her opinion she would not be alarmed at all and with everything in consideration she personally wouldn't have done a 2 week pathway but said my GP probably done it thinking she was being helpful. The gynecologist really tried assuring me that with my age and such the chances were very low of something sinister.

I feel so scared. I really hoped my hormones would come back a bit unbalanced and that would be the issue but the GP and the gynecologist have said they look fine.

I've posted all my symptoms below I just need to hear some stories of comfort or reassurance right now please.

Fsh urine test positive 2nd positive test on the 11th
3rd fsh test positive on the 16th

Periods have been off since covid vaccine
Missed period December 2021
18 day period in Feb 2022 after huge amount of stress
Missed period July 2022
2 periods in August 3 weeks apart
Missed period September
Short and light period October
January 2023 really long period after huge amount of stress

Dryer down there over the past 8 months
Less water discharge but sometimes
Taking longer to get stimulated for sex

Metallic taste in mouth
Cravings for sugar, salt and carbs
Occasional night sweats
Insomnia without amitriptyline
Sharp pain in feet
Pins and needles in hands and feet
Fine facial hair
Tender breasts occasionally, not just around time of period
Dry skin
Itchy ears
Sudden spikes of feeling really hot where I have to take my temperature but temp is fine.
Taste and smell sensitive

16-03-23, 22:12
I acknowledge and sympathize how this is affecting you as you've posted 4 threads about it in the last five days. You've gone through a lot recently and that surely is a factor in what you're experiencing. That along with a dreaded accelerated test, even though its a CYA (Cover Your Arse) test, is only adding to the stress.

Its known that HA incorporates OCD behaviors and that's clearly a factor as well as you've posted a very detailed symptom list. There's really no advice as to how to be less cognizant of the physical symptoms you're experiencing. Your anxiety is at such a high level that you would notate feeling the wind on your face more than usual.

Perhaps you can speak to your doctor and get a chill pill to help you through until the test results come in.


16-03-23, 23:22

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

16-03-23, 23:55
Where do I start....
I'm 33, 34 in a few months and since I had the covid vaccine my periods have been up and down. They disappeared and then returned and became lighter, but when I get stressed they either disappear or just last for a long time.
Last January I went through a ton of stress and my period lasted 18 days.
This January I again went through a ton of stress as I nearly lost my mum and I've been bleeding/spotting since.
I had a transabdominal ultrasound done, not transvaginal and they found what they believe to be an endometrial polyp.
I've now been put on a 2 week pathway to check for endometrial cancer. I haven't stopped crying since. I have severe health anxiety and to say I'm terrified is an understatement.

My GP said that this is just precautionary and most polyps are benign, I went and saw a specialist gynecologist and she said in her opinion she would not be alarmed at all and with everything in consideration she personally wouldn't have done a 2 week pathway but said my GP probably done it thinking she was being helpful. The gynecologist really tried assuring me that with my age and such the chances were very low of something sinister.

I feel so scared. I really hoped my hormones would come back a bit unbalanced and that would be the issue but the GP and the gynecologist have said they look fine.

I've posted all my symptoms below I just need to hear some stories of comfort or reassurance right now please.

Fsh urine test positive 2nd positive test on the 11th
3rd fsh test positive on the 16th

Periods have been off since covid vaccine
Missed period December 2021
18 day period in Feb 2022 after huge amount of stress
Missed period July 2022
2 periods in August 3 weeks apart
Missed period September
Short and light period October
January 2023 really long period after huge amount of stress

Dryer down there over the past 8 months
Less water discharge but sometimes
Taking longer to get stimulated for sex

Metallic taste in mouth
Cravings for sugar, salt and carbs
Occasional night sweats
Insomnia without amitriptyline
Sharp pain in feet
Pins and needles in hands and feet
Fine facial hair
Tender breasts occasionally, not just around time of period
Dry skin
Itchy ears
Sudden spikes of feeling really hot where I have to take my temperature but temp is fine.
Taste and smell sensitive

16-03-23, 23:58
Where do I start....
I'm 33, 34 in a few months and since I had the covid vaccine my periods have been up and down. They disappeared and then returned and became lighter, but when I get stressed they either disappear or just last for a long time.
Last January I went through a ton of stress and my period lasted 18 days.
This January I again went through a ton of stress as I nearly lost my mum and I've been bleeding/spotting since.
I had a transabdominal ultrasound done, not transvaginal and they found what they believe to be an endometrial polyp.
I've now been put on a 2 week pathway to check for endometrial cancer. I haven't stopped crying since. I have severe health anxiety and to say I'm terrified is an understatement.

My GP said that this is just precautionary and most polyps are benign, I went and saw a specialist gynecologist and she said in her opinion she would not be alarmed at all and with everything in consideration she personally wouldn't have done a 2 week pathway but said my GP probably done it thinking she was being helpful. The gynecologist really tried assuring me that with my age and such the chances were very low of something sinister.

I feel so scared. I really hoped my hormones would come back a bit unbalanced and that would be the issue but the GP and the gynecologist have said they look fine.

I've posted all my symptoms below I just need to hear some stories of comfort or reassurance right now please.

Fsh urine test positive 2nd positive test on the 11th
3rd fsh test positive on the 16th

Periods have been off since covid vaccine
Missed period December 2021
18 day period in Feb 2022 after huge amount of stress
Missed period July 2022
2 periods in August 3 weeks apart
Missed period September
Short and light period October
January 2023 really long period after huge amount of stress

Dryer down there over the past 8 months
Less water discharge but sometimes
Taking longer to get stimulated for sex

Metallic taste in mouth
Cravings for sugar, salt and carbs
Occasional night sweats
Insomnia without amitriptyline
Sharp pain in feet
Pins and needles in hands and feet
Fine facial hair
Tender breasts occasionally, not just around time of period
Dry skin
Itchy ears
Sudden spikes of feeling really hot where I have to take my temperature but temp is fine.
Taste and smell sensitive

17-03-23, 06:37
I had a polyp in my uterus for years. The docs weren't concerned about it at all. As soon as I stopped having periods (menopause), it disappeared. (I miss it to be honest, I named it and everything) :D

Re your FSH test, what do you mean by 'positive'? (Are your levels higher, lower, or where they should be for your age?)

In all honesty, stress can cause literally all of the symptoms you mention...

17-03-23, 08:05
I'm so scared of cancer cause my GP has put me on a 2 week pathway. 😭😭😭

17-03-23, 08:32
I'm so scared of cancer cause my GP has put me on a 2 week pathway. 

I've been put on two-week pathways more times than I can remember, Pixie. (I've yet to be diagnosed with anything like cancer...)

17-03-23, 08:54
I'm so scared that all I keep doing is crying.

17-03-23, 14:40

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

22-03-23, 07:09
I'm so scared that all I keep doing is crying.

How are things now?