View Full Version : The anxiety hangover?

17-03-23, 17:53
Been posting a bit recently, had a huge HA flared up and then I seem to have every symptom it can throw at me!!

This post is to say out loud and remind myself that I do feel better overall today and that's what I need to focus on. The brain fogs not as thick, the panic hasn't rissen for 2 days. I coped at work and nothing bad happened.

I have realised I may be agoraphobic in the sense that there's a panic in public places, not because its outside but from a fear of somthing happening in a public place, like passing out etc. Over all had a much better day and then went in the supermarket and felt woozy but I survived nothing bad happened I got what I wanted and left. This is good.

Now it seems to be throwing a new symptom my way, ear fullness, like they need to pop?? I swear I never get the same symptoms twice!!

Anyway, I think I am in the anxiety come down / hangover, I ache, I am tired and I have brain fog, its exhausting having such a complex brain but I am no longer panicking about panic, it can't hurt me, I will be ok 😊

18-03-23, 10:06
I have realised I may be agoraphobic in the sense that there's a panic in public places, not because its outside but from a fear of somthing happening in a public place, like passing out etc. Over all had a much better day and then went in the supermarket and felt woozy but I survived nothing bad happened I got what I wanted and left. This is good.

People just don't pass out from anxiety, it literally never happens.

But, so what if you did pass out? Is hiding away at home worth not 'maybe' passing out once in a while? You'd come round, people would rally to help you etc.

Hiding away from an imaginary (and endlessly unlikely) 'something' that might happen is far worse for you than passing out.

Now it seems to be throwing a new symptom my way, ear fullness, like they need to pop?? I swear I never get the same symptoms twice!!

That is the same for everybody.

Well done for recognising and challenging your thoughts though! :yesyes:

19-03-23, 12:58
Thanks for taking time to read and comment it means a lot! Another better day, eyes feel wider if that's possible less squinting! Still have a peculiar "dizziness" to my head but anxiety isn't cured overnight. Doing lots of meditation and breathing exercises and telling myself it's just my anxiety if I feel it building at all. I like to put it down on here as it's a outlet to chanel the worry x