View Full Version : Possibly swallowed glass- looking for reassurance

17-03-23, 20:37
Hello, I hope everyone is doing well. For the last 3 days, i’ve been eating my toast with butter that comes in a glass jar. I have eaten it 3 times over the last 3 days. The first day everything felt normal, the second day I felt something the size of a crumb that was hard...so I spit it out and didn’t think about it. The third day (yesterday around 6pm)...I ate it and felt very nauseous about 20-30 minutes after. Nausea, belching, and some dull ache in my upper stomach. I have GERD and a hiatal hernia, so I initially thought it was my stomach just acting up. I went to look at the jar of butter just to check the date, and it turns out that there was a huge crack on the bottom behind the label and that’s why I didn’t notice sooner. The jar was not shattered, broken or in pieces....but there was a crack along the entire bottom. I did not see any loose glass or feel anything when swallowing, but I’m terrified that the hard thing I felt was glass or that my nausea is from eating a tiny piece/sliver of glass yesterday without realizing. Does this sound like something dangerous or something I’m overreacting about? Just wondering if tiny pieces would pass or hurt you internally. Would cracked glass that isn’t broken still shed small pieces into the jar? The urgent care I called said tiny pieces won’t show up on xray so there isn’t much I can do. I’m still nauseous almost 24 hours later with some dull pain in my upper stomach/lots of belching. Just scared that I have glass inside of me. :( Thanks ahead of time. Xx

17-03-23, 21:29
It doesn’t sound like you swallowed glass, and I’m sure if you did that it was so tiny that it wouldn’t be a problem.
I suspect your stomach is hurting because of your anxiety over it.
You’ve done all the right things, and you can ring 111 again if you feel worse but I’m sure you’ll be much better soon.

17-03-23, 21:49
Thank you so much for responding, I appreciate it lots. It’s so easy for my mind to go nuts and think the worst. Crossing my fingers!