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View Full Version : Anyone ever hear a pulsing sound in your head?

26-11-07, 14:56
I have had this for many years and it causes much anxiety because no one can tell me why I have it. I hear a pulsing in my head that is in sync with my pulse. It usually only lasts a few seconds and then fades away. Kind of a huh-huh-huh sound. I hear it on and off everyday. Sometimes I can hear it when I stretch my tight neck and shoulders. Sometimes not. Sometimes I can hear it after I have a pvc for a few seconds. Sometimes if I strain on the toilet (sorry, TMI) I will hear it for a few seconds, other times not. Sometimes even when it's real quiet and I stretch my hamstrings, I'll hear it. Weird, huh? Just wondering if anybody else has anything similar. I had lots of tests done when this started over 10 years ago. It has never gone away. I don't feel dizzy with it. I just wish it would go away but I've had it for so long, I fear it never will.

Can anybody relate?

miss motown
26-11-07, 22:53
hi ro yes hun i have this all the time its worse of a night when i lay in bed i also have a buzzing in my ears thats soooo annoying i went to see my gp with it and guess wot she said its ANXIETY even when im not feeling anxious its there so errrrm i dont no sorry i carnt be much of a help i just wanted to tell you your not on your own take care

geordie flower
27-11-07, 11:08
Hiya, the low grade buzzing noises in my ears and noises like there was a steam train going through my ears was my first anxiety symptom.Just after these noises started i started with dizziness almost 24/7. I got this about 3 weeks before my first panic attatck then my anxiety started! I still get the noises in my head sometimes its worse than others. My doc thought it was an inner ear infection at first called labrynthitis and gave me medication for that which didnt work. All this happen in oct/nov 2006 and unfortunately I am still having more bad days than good but im sure things can only get better! Hope this helps you abit, I often think its good to know you're not alone with this take care tracey x

28-11-07, 02:34
Hi Ro,

Everyone gets this from time to time but us people with anxiety notice every little thing. A person without out anxiety will notice this then shrug it off.. Unlike us, we will be like "what the heck" and start to wonder what it is then we panic when we think what it "could" be..

Nothing to worry about at all though. :)

miss motown
28-11-07, 21:43
hi ro ive replied to your post the other day and im here tonight because mine also is driving me mad tonight the constant buzzing in my ears and in my head grrrrrrrrr ive tried holding my nose and blowing untill my ears pop but its not working bloody nuisance isnt it