View Full Version : Weird thumb tremor or is it twitching?

22-03-23, 17:01
Hello all, I know this is not a new topic for anyone here, and I myself had horrible twitching under one eye, and then randomly everywhere in August and September 2021. My doctor diagnosed me as BFS , and told me it is anxiety and stress. I trusted him, and obviously more than a year past, and all of that stopped. Recently, however, I had a lot of anxiety and stress, since I had to have a mammogram ( all fine), and then annual Pap+HPV, the results of which I am still waiting for, although my gyno doctor told me based on the past , I am a very low risk at this point. But, my anxiety is still very high, and I am obsessing over various physical things, and then yesterday my left thumb started either shaking ( tremor) or twitching. I am not sure how to call it, because it does not feel like real twitching, but it is also not a tremor per se - it is almost like involuntary movement when I relax my left hand. Like the thumb would literally move back and forth for a few seconds and then it stops. If I flex it, it does not do that.

I had EMG about three years ago, and was officially diagnosed with carpal tunnel in both arms and hands, although I knew before that that I had it. But this thumb movement is not familiar to me, and I also have intensified tingling and some numbness in that hand. That arm I had recently X-rayed because of some weird pain/sensation, but that X ray was normal. Then from that, it sort of proceeded to this renewed tingling/buzzing and thumb moving on its own.

I would like to see if any of you guys had it ( involuntary movement )?

Shall I just wait for my Pap results ( which is still scaring me to wait for), and try to calm down. Or, is this something that would be worth asking my doctor?

Again - mentally in a sort of bad place for a few months now , OCD raging, a lot of anxiety...

Thank you ,


22-03-23, 17:19
a pinched nerve, anxiety, stress, lack of sleep, can play havoc with our bodies, I have this a few times, the thumb or fingers on my hnad moving like that, stress was my cause one time it was due to me pincing a nerve in my neck, right now I am dealing with left eye upper right corner of my eyelid jumping...I 've been stressed lately and not enough sleep or food, I am sure that is all yours is, and isn't it funny how when we start to notice it and worry about it it gets worse? Then when we aren't focusing on it it's hardly there..

22-03-23, 18:14
Thank you for replying. I know that stress, anxiety and lack of sleep ( which I also have been suffering from), can create almost all of this. The only thing is that it is more like a involuntary movement, not real twitching which I experienced before. And now there is some tingling, almost like buzzing inside the hand....I will try to focus on upcoming results from the gyno exam, and after that I will see if I should see the doctor. I hope it stops though.