View Full Version : I don't know what's happening!

26-11-07, 17:26
Hi Guys,

I haven't been on here for a while but I could do with some advice!

Last week at uni I felt really unwell before my last lecture and felt I needed to go home, which I did, however whilst walking back from the bus (15 minutesish) I felt an overwhelming need to wee and completely paniced, I managed to get home and rushed to the loo. But... since then I can't stop going to the toilet, I've missed two days of uni due to being too afraid to go to the bus stop in case I wet myself on the way, the bus stop is 15-20 minutes away and then it's a 20 minute journey to uni, I can't even go that long without weeing at home!:weep:

I've managed a trip into tesco, and to Taunton in the car (I live in Bristol) and I've been to the doctor who gave me antibiotics in case it was an infection (which haven't helped at all) I was fine going to all these places as Tesco and the doctor have toilets and on the way to Taunton we could stop at services. I also got a taxi to go to the doctor which made me feel a bit better. as I didn't have to walk 15 minutes to get a bus!

My problem is... is this physical or all in my head?

I still have the problem when I get home but it's worse when someone else is using the bathroom, when someone else is in the shower I freak out and feel like I can't hold on, even if I've just been!

It feels like a vicious circle, I don't know whether it is physical and I should let myself stay at home and rest or whether I should be pushing myself to get out of the house and not be so scared! :shrug:

Any advice anyone?

26-11-07, 18:51
sophie,common reaction to stress is need to wee n clear the bowels.fight or flee syndrome.good u spoke to doc.take it east n this too shall pass.

26-11-07, 18:56
prehaps get in touch with no panic ? they have experienced advisors on panic

michellemumoffour...who is in the chat site is the person to talk to about them