View Full Version : Bright red rectal bleeding since i was about 20 now im 27 nearly 28

30-03-23, 23:42
Hello so ive had health anxiety since i was about 18 years old on and off for various different things well my current one is back to worrying i have bowel cancer due to some bright red bleeding i have had on and off for a number of years. This all started when i was around 20 and of course i also then thought it was cancer this all got better when i got a referral to see a specialist from my gp and he found with sigmoidoscopy that i had a fissure which they wanted to treat with cream at first and it didn't go or get better so then i had to have botox which i believe relieved the issue at the time. Over the years ive had more bouts of it but brushed it off as the same thing as there has usually been pain or ive been wiping to much etc. Recently ive had it come back with briefly and i was going through a bad time already anxiety wise and ive convinced myself i have cancer and dont know it once again and because i have not had a colonoscopy ive put it off for years and am going to die etc. I went back to my doctors and he told me to do a stool sample and blood tests and he will refer me to a GI. Now my issue is im worried there not going to want to give me a colonoscopy due to my age im 27 and the fact i had fissures in the past etc. Im terrified every day im not sleeping im struggling to work and enjoy anything basically. I feel like im basically destined to find out i have terminal bowel cancer because ive left it for so long. Im going to go back to the doctors tomorrow and just explain how worried i am about this ive contemplated going to a private GI about this and hoping he will refer me for a colonoscopy I've even thought about paying 2000 pounds for a private colonoscopy just for piece of mind at this point as im torturing myself and i literally dont know what else to do. Ive started getting back pain which im attributing to this issue but logically i know its likely due to the stress and anxiety ive been experiencing idk what to do, i also feel like i need to go to the toilet more than usual which is worrying me again could just be the anxiety. I feel if i had a colonoscopy at least booked i would feel a lot better but idk how to get someone to take me seriously. Thanks in advance. I must admit this all started cause i saw a guy on facebook 29 found out he had stage 4 colon cancer and i started panicing about my rectal bleeding again and felt i had put it off even though i have had it investigated several times in the past just never with a colonoscopy im assuming because they have always found a fissure present.

01-04-23, 00:24
Feeling very low at the moment was hoping i might get one reply :( just need someone to talk to about this to be honest

01-04-23, 19:59
Highly doubt you’ve had untreated cancer for 7, nearly 8 years. Think about it…

01-04-23, 20:52
Highly doubt you’ve had untreated cancer for 7, nearly 8 years. Think about it… This is what im trying to tell myself and that my symptoms have not got worse/changed but its not working very well atm

01-04-23, 22:14
This is what im trying to tell myself and that my symptoms have not got worse/changed but its not working very well atm

Same. Past 4 weeks I’ve gone from lymphoma, to leukemia, to skin cancer and everything in between. It’s exhausting. Are you having any sort of therapy?

02-04-23, 00:58
Same. Past 4 weeks I’ve gone from lymphoma, to leukemia, to skin cancer and everything in between. It’s exhausting. Are you having any sort of therapy? Yes i have been in therapy for years on and off but i am currently seeing a private therapist but i go through bouts of this really struggling with this one. Don't think its is gonna go away until i get a colonoscopy tbh im hoping that is the end result so i can put this to bed once and for all.

02-04-23, 07:23
Okay, I'll tell you what I was told by my wonderfully straight-talking Aussie doctor 10 years ago when I was having prep for my first colonoscopy and needed talking down from the ledge:

Have you been noticeably losing weight inexplicably for several months?
Have you had a constant pain in your lower body that has been getting worse for several months?
Have your bowel habits changed to the point where you no longer ever pass a decent-sized turd (basically the shape of a thick cigar or banana)?
Is the blood in the toilet bowl a dark colour and/or like coffee grinds?

If the answer is no to the above, then it's 99.9% certain that whatever is causing your arse problems isn't related to colon cancer.

That said, have the colonscopy, get the all clear, then come back here and thank me:winks:

02-04-23, 09:15
Okay, I'll tell you what I was told by my wonderfully straight-talking Aussie doctor 10 years ago when I was having prep for my first colonoscopy and needed talking down from the ledge:

Have you been noticeably losing weight inexplicably for several months?
Have you had a constant pain in your lower body that has been getting worse for several months?
Have your bowel habits changed to the point where you no longer ever pass a decent-sized turd (basically the shape of a thick cigar or banana)?
Is the blood in the toilet bowl a dark colour and/or like coffee grinds?

If the answer is no to the above, then it's 99.9% certain that whatever is causing your arse problems isn't related to colon cancer.

That said, have the colonscopy, get the all clear, then come back here and thank me:winks:

This is the problem with googling. Having just one of those symptoms will tell you you’re a dead man (or woman) walking.

With a colonoscopy all you’re seeking is reassurance. If it comes back clear, then what? Will you believe them or will you think they must’ve missed something?

02-04-23, 15:07
This is the problem with googling. Having just one of those symptoms will tell you you’re a dead man (or woman) walking.

With a colonoscopy all you’re seeking is reassurance. If it comes back clear, then what? Will you believe them or will you think they must’ve missed something? I agree with the logic its reassurance seeking but i literally feel like there is nothing else i can do i feel i will believe the result as i normally do feel better after whatever ive been worried about gets checked out.

02-04-23, 15:09
Okay, I'll tell you what I was told by my wonderfully straight-talking Aussie doctor 10 years ago when I was having prep for my first colonoscopy and needed talking down from the ledge:

Have you been noticeably losing weight inexplicably for several months?
Have you had a constant pain in your lower body that has been getting worse for several months?
Have your bowel habits changed to the point where you no longer ever pass a decent-sized turd (basically the shape of a thick cigar or banana)?
Is the blood in the toilet bowl a dark colour and/or like coffee grinds?

If the answer is no to the above, then it's 99.9% certain that whatever is causing your arse problems isn't related to colon cancer.

That said, have the colonscopy, get the all clear, then come back here and thank me:winks: Yeah i do agree with you like i said im trying to tell myself i dont have symptoms but still cant get the nagging feeling out of the back of my mind that there is something not right. I have not even had the bleeding in about a week or so now and im still worrying about it. Ive started on sertraline again anyway to help with my anxiety and depression and like i said im also going to therapy so hopeful it will help while i wait for the referral to come through.

02-04-23, 16:39
Please don't spend so much money on a private colonoscopy-- I think that will send a really bad message to yourself. It will send the message that it's worth it to give up a lot just to seek reassurance. But the reassurance will only last a short time anyway. Much better to work on your anxiety and your ability to trust your doctors. Also isn't this an obvious symptom of hemorrhoids?

10-04-23, 16:16
Please don't spend so much money on a private colonoscopy-- I think that will send a really bad message to yourself. It will send the message that it's worth it to give up a lot just to seek reassurance. But the reassurance will only last a short time anyway. Much better to work on your anxiety and your ability to trust your doctors. Also isn't this an obvious symptom of hemorrhoids? I understand but its the only way im going to feel sure im ok because its been going on for so long im not even worried about the money i just want to peace of mind. I am seeing a specialist Thursday and hoping he will bring some reassurance im most worried about my lower back pain that has now been going on for like 2 weeks.

15-04-23, 12:06
How did your appointment go?
I have to echo most everyone else here that it doesn't sound like colon cancer (I'm not a doctor). It sounds like hemorrhoids.
I can definitely understand wanting a peace of mind.

17-04-23, 23:55
How did your appointment go?
I have to echo most everyone else here that it doesn't sound like colon cancer (I'm not a doctor). It sounds like hemorrhoids.
I can definitely understand wanting a peace of mind.

It went well the surgeon said the same that it is basically near 0 it is what im worrying about and that fissures is a lifelong problem and the likely cause or some small hemorrhoids he recommended a scope but just a sigmoid but i have opted to go the colonoscopy route for full reassurance which he didn't want me to because of the potential risks even though they are small. He said that in the UK they don't just hand colonoscopy's out like they do in the US anyway he understood why i want the full check and agreed to do it and its scheduled for May 18th which im feeling much better now to know i have something scheduled even though i have to pay for it i think its worth it for the peace of mind to know everything is ok. Im trying to just keep myself busy until then. He said basically because its bright red it will be close so a sigmoidoscopy would be the recommended option normally if i didnt have health anxiety which i explained to him and he was very sympathetic about.

18-04-23, 00:03
he surgeon said the same that it is basically near 0

'Told Ya So Gang' on standby. Until the next spiral... :whistles: