View Full Version : nosebleeds

26-11-07, 17:48
Hi there,

Last week I had two nose bleeds at work, totally paranoid after the second one I came home and phoned the doctor, he said if persisted could get it cauterised. Anyhow I have been fine since but just now on this forum I ready that high blood pressure could cause nosebleeds, blurred vision and headaches. This morning when going into work I had a bit of a headache and my eyes were funny for a short period of time. However I now think Im being paranoid...my bp is raised but the doc is keeping an eye on it, and I think going from the dark into the office bright lights caused my eyes to feel funny. Im due to get another bp check up next month...Im not on medication.....should I be going back now to get it checked? Am I over-reacting cause just before the second nosebleed I was sneezing like mad which could easily have just annoyed the blood vessels?? Anyone know anything about this??

Love Shaz x x

26-11-07, 18:36
Hi there,

When I was a child I suffered terrible nosebleeds and had to have my nose cauterised 3 times. A nosebleed can start because the lining of the nose has been irritated by something (like having a cold, getting scratched etc) or because something bumped it. Once you've had a nosebleed, another is easily set off if it hasn't had time to heal properly, so having 2 nosebleeds in one week could just be because it hadn't healed properly after the first one. I had terrible nosebleeds and lost a lot of blood from them, but I was never tested to see why. I still have the odd one even now as an adult but it doesn't bother me. My Grandmother suffered from them all her life so I just figure I inherited this tendency from her.
I would just be gentle with your nose for a couple of weeks and see how it goes from there. If you start getting them often then maybe ask if you need to have any tests, but otherwise I wouldn't worry. Having your nose cauterised is no big deal either if you do need to get it done.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx

26-11-07, 19:05
I have high blood pressure and never suffered any side effects at all with it if that reassures you.

26-11-07, 22:40
Thanks shoegal and Nicola, I think probably because I have never suffered from them it made me panic. You have both made me feel calmer tonight.

Shaz x

26-11-07, 22:52

I'm glad I could reassure you a bit. Please feel free to PM if you get worried or want to ask any questions. I'm an expert at nosebleeds, lol! :blush:

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx