View Full Version : MRI for 1.7cm solid lesion on ovary - sick with cancer fear!

02-04-23, 00:34
Help! Has anyone with a "solid lesion" on an ovary ended up with a benign result? I realize y'all aren't health care professionals but as a longtime HA sufferer and extreme cancer-phobe due to family history, I'm spiraling big time and basically making myself ill.

Had a pelvic U/S due to pelvic pressure like what I experienced before having a fibroid removed 2-1/2 years ago, and it unexpectedly turned up a 1.7 cm solid lesion on my right ovary with "mild peripheral vascularity and mild central hyperechogenicity. Differential diagnosis includes dermoid cyst versus solid ovarian lesion." I've had complex ovarian cysts on U/S in the past that have disappeared on later scans, but never a solid "lesion"!!! I assume that's way worse than a complex cyst?

Doctor sent a message (on the weekend! when I can't do anything!) saying " It is not likely to be a cancer, but let's have you do the MRI to look at it since we didn't see it on your last ultrasound." BUT everything I read about solid masses and vascularity (i.e. blood flow) comes up with cancer! I don't know how to make it through the weekend to schedule my MRI on Monday, let alone make it to the MRI. I do have a history of ovarian cancer in my family, but no one at a young(ish) age (I'm 39). What should I do??

02-04-23, 16:40
I had a complex cyst with "solid mass" and "vascularity."

03-04-23, 04:21
Hi there, thanks for your reply! May I ask what ended up happening with your cyst?