View Full Version : Really worried about “vibrating” vision

03-04-23, 13:45
Does anybody else experience shimmering/vibrating vision when looking at certain things. It all started with a door frame for me and now I can’t stop noticing things vibrating especially vertical lines like door frames and buildings etc. being in a house with white door frames really drives me crazy. I’ve had all tests done (mri, eye exams and all clear) but worried this will get worse. Please can anyone relate to this? And how long have you had this? I’ve been told by my ophthalmologist I have to ignore it but it’s really hard and really effecting my day to day life especially my anxiety. I would really appreciate any advice or like to know if anyone else out there experiences this. It would mean a great deal to me to know I’m not alone with this.

04-04-23, 20:55
I once noticed it too. Stopped worrying about it, and now am rarely aware of it

05-04-23, 05:24
This was one of my main anxiety symptoms back in the day. I tried to ignore it and eventually it went away and never came back.

05-04-23, 14:26
I noticed this for the first time a few days ago, funnily enough it was also a white doorframe in my peripheral vision as well

06-04-23, 10:22
It is known as an anxiety symptom. Claire Weekes mentions this in her book.
Ignore it and it goes away.

18-04-23, 21:06
I once noticed it too. Stopped worrying about it, and now am rarely aware of it

Sorry to hear your noticing this now. I know how hard this is to ignore. I appreciate your reply. Im trying so hard to ignore it but having no success.

18-04-23, 21:07
Thank you I’ll definitely read this book.

18-04-23, 21:08
Thanks for the reply

18-04-23, 21:13
Thanks for the reply. How long did it take for you once you ignored it for it to go away. I’ve had this now for over 14 months. I never notice it outside fishing, camping etc. it comes back mainly when I look at vertical white lines but I have noticed it with other colours. It’s so hard to ignore and I understand I have to. Some times I go through half a day and realise I had not been paying attention to it. My Eye doctor believes everyone has this they just do not notice it. Again I really appreciate you taking the time to listen.

19-04-23, 00:22
Some times I go through half a day and realise I had not been paying attention to it. My Eye doctor believes everyone has this they just do not notice it. Again I really appreciate you taking the time to listen.

Typical HA hyper-focusing and worry. What you describe are normal physical and visual anomalies. Most people never even notice or give it a 2nd thought. But those with HA, if they focus on it, experience the same thing. Your HA makes you hyper-focus and the comes the worry, googling and spiraling :shrug:

What else can be said? You know deep down what the deal is and need to take control of the dragon.


20-04-23, 10:10
Thank you so much for the reply Fishmampa. Im starting to believe you are correct. Really appreciate your feedback! 😀