View Full Version : New mole has me terrified

04-04-23, 13:58
I'm an incredibly moley person in my mid 30's; probably have thousands of the buggers all over my body. I've always been pretty careful with them; if I think I notice a change or new one I'll check back with old pictures and make sure things still look the same. I had a mole map done a few years back after getting 2 atypical looking ones checked out by the doc, and had a benign one removed 10+ years ago after it grew.

I noticed whole showering yesterday that one on my stomach seemed pretty red, so I did my usual and checked it out on old pictures. To my horror, it was there (albeit smaller) in early 2020, but categorically not there in 2018.

I'm absolutely terrified this thing is cancer and it's been sitting on me for 3+ years. It's 3-4mm long, light brown and irregularly shaped in the middle and a bit red around the outside. Had a docs appointment today, she said it didn't look concerning and as it was "so small" any growth over the last 3 years would have been slow not that sinister. I have a derm appointment in 3 weeks to take a proper look and maybe remove it.

I'm in a total mess about this one. The fact that it is both new, has grown since it showed up and also red is screaming bad news to me. Has anyone had a new mole pop up in their 30s and it be fine?