View Full Version : Hello everyone, I am new here.

Jimmy M
04-04-23, 21:48

I just thought that I would introduce myself as I have lurking in the shadows for a few days.

I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (non-specified) back in 1996, and with it came depression, and quite bad de-personalisation & de-realisation. It actually started earlier than this back when I was at high school but was dismissed as exam nerves by the GP.

I was treated with Amatryptaline and CBT / counselling initially, but the Amatryptaline did not agree with me as it made me feel like a zombie which worsened my dp/dr.

I was then moved on to paroxetine 20mg and had some intensive CBT and things were ok for a good few years, but I continued with the paroxetine.

Then in around 2010 I had a really bad experience with my job which triggered most of my symptoms back, at which point I decided with my doctor to try alternative medication.

After 8 months off sick from work and a couple of different attempts at trying to find something that would work, I settled on Sertraline 150mg and Olanzapine 5mg which has worked well for me since for the most part and I returned to work. I have taken these ever since.

Fast forward 13 years and several different jobs / redundancies, I have found my old symptoms returning this year due to various life events and triggers.

I wont go into detail on this post as this is just an introduction, but I will post again in the appropriate forum soon and hope that in the mean time I might be able to help other fellow sufferers or just connect with anyone going through the same as it does feel quite isolating at times and after about 30 years of living with this on and off I do have a fair bit of experience and coping skills I learnt along the way.

In the mean time I will try to keep smiling and going through the motions until this storm passes over, which I am sure it will.

Thanks for reading.

04-04-23, 21:56
Hiya Jimmy M and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

04-04-23, 22:52

10-04-23, 18:51
Hi Jimmy and welcome to NMP. There's lots on the site that can help you and its not always easy making that first post. So well done!!