View Full Version : Bird's pee?! Scared!

05-04-23, 20:13
Today is completely clear sky where I live, but when I stepped out for a short break from my office, I felt like a drop of water ( liquid) hit my lower lip, out of all things! I immediately wiped with a tissue soaked with disinfectant fluid ( I always carry a small bottle in my purse). But I just read that birds actually do not have liquid watery pee like mammals, but they expel it together with their poop. Basically, they do not just pee. So there is a chance this might have not been some animal waste, right? I am so worried, although I did scrub my lip with disinfectant. I know this may sound funny to some, but I swear to God I am petrified. Some words of comfort please! Thank you.

05-04-23, 21:40
The chances of that being a bird and landing on your mouth are surely a million to one?

05-04-23, 23:19
I know, I know…but what on earth could it have been. Well I scrubbed it immediately…thank you for replying though.

06-04-23, 01:52
I felt like a drop of water ( liquid) hit my lower lip, out of all things!

So you felt a sensation of water hitting your lip and immediately wiped with disinfectant. So you have no actual physical proof of anything and here you are? And even in the one in a billion chance this scenario played out, what danger would it pose based on the fact you disinfected it? :wacko:


06-04-23, 05:19
Okay, Lana, not going to indulge you on this. You need to use your logical head, think it through and learn to soothe yourself.

06-04-23, 13:03
Nicola, Fishmanpa, BlueIris!

Thank you for indulging me even this much - it is really helpful. I appreciate your replies, and they are good for me, really. I know that I have been in a really bad state of mind in the last few months. Thank you again.

07-04-23, 07:22
Nothing saying it had to of been bird pee. Of all the times I ever been out walking I can never say a bird had a pee on me. One crapped once and it landed on the back of my jacket. More just consider the chances of it happening. On the ground we are all just small targets. I am sure others might have been also walking about too? Not sure if there had been any rain were you live? In advance of this day. Could have dripped off anything. Not sure about small tress even. We have a good few small trees around here. Is a build up area. They squeeze those trees in. Be it condensation or old rain water, we can get a few drops fallen from the trees at times. More a case of asking yourself ' what else could it have been ' instead of jumping to the worst answer you can possibly think of. I am sure there could be other answers if you think hard enough.