View Full Version : Panicked about heavy bleeding

07-04-23, 18:38
I have read all the posts about heavy periods and tried to stay calm, but it is getting difficult not to panic now! I am so sorry to post on this topic again, but I am just beside myself with worry!

I started my period 9 days ago, but for the first 6 days it has been pretty light. It is usually light for the first day or two and then normal, occasionally on a heavier side for a day or so, but then it starts slowing down. I am on cerazette and both my cycle and period are longer, so a 9 day period is not strange. What is strange is that after light 6 days I suddenly started bleeding heavily and soaking my pads. It felt like it was trying to get started for 6 days and then the floodgates opened! It just starts gushing and there are cloths! At night I filled a pad last two nights, last night I actually filled 2!

Today is the third day and I feel like it will never end! I called out of hours this morning and it didn't really help. They said I need to see my GP which is going to be next week with the holidays! Apparently they don't worry about me getting anaemia until I bleed like this at least a week or two! I sure hope I don't bleed that long!

At times I feel nauseous and lightheaded! And I just want to curl up and hide away until this decides to stop! I am so panicked I will lose too much blood and faint! And so worried about the cloths!

08-04-23, 00:54
It seemed like it calmed down for a few hours this evening and then I had another gushing episode! And will be 4th day tomorrow! I am just too scared to sleep, keep imagining it getting worse while I am asleep!

08-04-23, 05:44
Don't worry about clots, they're incredibly common and no big deal unless they're enormous. I used to pass clots that were about two inches by half an inch most months.

I know it's terrifying, but chances are everything will be fine.

08-04-23, 12:38
I really appreciate your reply, BlueIris! It is a horrible feeling when they start coming out, because it probably feels even worse than it is!

I would not be so out of my mind with worry if this stopped after day 1 or day 2, but now I feel like it never will. Filled up a pad when woke up again and it is still going... I can't imagine that others experience it as heavy continuously for so long and that this is ok ! And I started really thinking up some bad scenarios! I saw a little bruise on my leg, adding things together and coming up with all sorts of diagnosis! Then today I feel so bloated and burpy that I can't take a deep breath, but I am connecting that with the bleeding and that I may have something wrong in my chest of heart! I don't want to say exactly what I am thinking because I am too scared to even do so, like it will make it true!