View Full Version : 26 Female Think I’m dying from colon cancer

08-04-23, 02:54
I have posted on here but have since developed new (?) symptoms. These were my symptoms up to date:

1. Loose stool every morning (I want to say for 2 years now but I don’t remember) they definitely differ now everyday. Some days loose mush, other days formed but only a little bit, thin stools, diarrhea.

2. Pain on my left side that only occurs when I make a specific movement and it feels like it moves (I usually pass gas after this) but the pain never fully goes away. I’ve had this for a long time as It was easy to forget about as i only really feel it if im stretched in a specific position
3. Bloating
4. I had bright blood while wiping a year ago a few times but haven’t had it again since. (I’ve been having it every other week for a month now)

There have been two instances where I noticed red on the stool like on top but I just assumed it was tomato from the night before. This morning, my stool was half hard and half normal. I did the unexpected and went to dissect it myself(horrible I know) and found two red spots that smudged when I pressed on it with another wet wipe which looked like blood. I also had undigested tomato skin apart from that in a different piece of stool.

I have checked my anus recently have a small purple bump on top of the opening which I’m going to assume is a hemorrhoid. The red spots I saw this morning as well I’m not sure if it was on top or mixed in to the stool. It was not visible to the naked eye. I have an abdominal scan coming up for the pain I experience referred to by my doctor.

09-04-23, 16:03
first of all, colon cancer at 26 is very very rare. i also suffered with loose and mushy stools every morning, exactly how you are describing, for 2 months. it suddenly went away, loose stools can be caused by so many things and it is likely yours is caused by anxiety as that is what i chalked mine down to. anxiety can cause IBS, and IBS in your age group is way more common than colon cancer. i’m sure your loose stool in the morning will go away eventually, like mine did.

With pain in your left side that only occurs when you move, this sounds like trapped gas. I get this too.

Bloating can be caused by many things, colon cancer is one of the more unlikely things especially at your age.

The blood in stool was likely an anal fissure. Bright red blood in stool is often caused by this and if it happened once a year ago it seems like the fissure healed on it’s own and that’s why it hasn't happened again.

I always see red things in my stool such as tomato skin and red pepper etc. our bodies are not perfect at digesting tough things like tomato skin.

From reading your post, I am not concerned at all about colon cancer

09-04-23, 18:00
From reading your post, I am not concerned at all about colon cancer

Agreed. The real issue, as is illustrated all over the boards, is the thought process and extreme self-examination behaviors. That is what needs to be addressed.