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09-04-23, 17:21

I am Izzy.

I am experiencing headaches and these have been on 3 months. I also have health anxiety ��

I am hoping for some advice, support, guidance. I’m really not good and feel like a rabbit in headlights at the moment.

I’ve been getting headaches since beginning of the year, so over 3 months of it now. The pain is across my forehead and there are various points on my forehead that are painful to touch, mainly above nose and to right of my right eye above eyebrows. The headache can be extremely bad as it goes behind my eye and throbs intensely.

I visited my GP and she gave me antibiotics and steroids. I didn’t have an infection? But I didn’t question it. She suspected sinus issues and I went off to try that. My neck started to become incredibly stiff and feelings of nausea. I finished the meds and had to go back because I still felt unwell. The headaches were changing in terms of intensity. For example, the forehead tenderness and aching behind my nose, that has remained a constant but the eye pain is when it really hits me and that doesn’t happen every day but it was fairly frequent.

I have awful thoughts it’s something bad (brain tumour) and yep, I’ve been on Dr Google terrifying myself. So I shared this with my GP who said I didn’t have any of the other symptoms of a brain tumour but it doesn’t always seem the case, not when you watch YouTube videos of people discussing their symptoms.

I went for an eye test. I had a terrible headache the day I went and my eye was throbbing. They said all looked fine which was a surprise tbh.

My Dr said “ok let’s do a full brain scan”. I heard those words and went to pieces. She put it through as an urgent and the appointment came through within 2 weeks and I didn’t go because I was so frightened. Please don’t judge me and say I am stupid or wasting time because I was genuinely scared. The idea of a tube with a helmet over my head utterly terrifies me. My mother died of cancer a number of years ago and my friend has just died of it only 2 weeks ago. My friend was diagnosed a year ago and last few months she’s been really poorly and then died. I have been deeply upset and anxious to a point I wasn’t coping and haven’t been.

I kept googling and all the forehead pain kept saying sinus issues so I paid private to see an ENT specialist. He put a camera up my nose and said there was swelling in the turbinates. He prescribed a spray for 4 weeks. I am on week 3 and the headachesare still there. In fact, the last 3 days have been truly awful. It seemed to ease off and I have had days where I didn’t feel as bad. I don’t always wake up with the headache, in fact most days I don’t but when I sit up, start moving around, it’s there. It hurts to move my eyes and the tenderness in my forehead is truly the thing that us freaking me out because even parts of my scalp hurt to press.

My forehead feels swollen. I can’t massage it. My friend said “if it feels tense, try message”. I can’t touch it. It hurts to touch. Literally, it can be pressed or touched as it triggers pain and the headache gets worse.

My head hurts in certain points, to press. A head massage is out of the question as it would be painful.

I went for a back massage last week, thinking it would help and the forehead pain hadn’t been so bad for a couple of weeks but I was lay flat on a massage table face down with my forehead pressing ahead the circle you put your head through and since then, the pain is worse.

I am so frightened because 3 months of headaches feels abnormal. My GP seems angry at me and when I tried to get an appointment (and before this issue at start of the year) I hadn’t been to the docs for years so I’m wasn’t a regular who pesters but yet she wouldn’t see me and I ended up seeing a nurse who said “ok, what do you want to do” so I said a CT of sinuses. The ENT guy said that would be the best thing if the spray doesn’t work so I’m waiting for that. Scared. Anxious. Worried about the radiation my head because at least MRI doesn’t use radiation. I feel at my wits end.

I am scared it’s a tumour. Forehead pain, pain behind my nose, across head at front and feels like I’ve cried a thousand tears sometimes. When your head feels battered, like your blood pressure is up but mine is fine. It’s truly horrid.

I was prescribed Diazapam to help me relax and it does help a bit. I am just so so frightened. I have a full time job, it’s pretty full on and I love it but atm, can’t focus. I am going to pieces. Just so fed up of the headaches. It’s every day, it’s making me worry so much.

I have had tinnitus for years and it’s gotten worse too. Hissing, another humming sound and I was used to the sounds I had but now, I am thinking - is this due to something sinister, that the sound has changed.

I don’t know what to do �������

09-04-23, 17:27
Hiya IzzyScot and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

10-04-23, 18:59
Hi Izzy and welcome to NMP. Lots of people here in the same boat :hugs:

10-04-23, 21:08
Hi Izzy,

I’m also new here and just wanted to say that I’m sorry you’re going through so much at the moment - here if you ever want to vent x